
How tall can a marijuana plant grow up too?

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How tall can a marijuana plant grow up too?




  1. dunno but its  illegal so get a life u ******  prick

  2. Over 8 feet.  Some rather large plants.  And I've seen buds that are over a foot long!  Of course, I don't know what you're talking about.. Marijuana is an illegal substance and has absolutely DETRIMENTAL effects on the body.  Smoking marijuana is EXACTLY the same as skiing... er, I mean doing coke.

  3. It depends. If they are kept in good sunlight and are watered regularly, then they can grow pretty high. I'm thinking maybe 6 foot.

    The problem is, if you keep them in sunlight, there is more of a chance of someone seeing it and calling the cops. They just don't tend to grow very well under home artifical UV lights.

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