
How tall do u have to be to get on a space shuttle?

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How tall do u have to be to get on a space shuttle?




  1. What, is that an Amusement Park requirement? LOL! ACtually, years ago there was talk that handicapped people without LEGS would probably make better astronauts, as legs are kinda useless in a zero-gravity environment.

    Anyway, I'd imagine there might be some controls on the flight chairs that might require foot input, but otherwise, I don't see that a height-challenged person couldn't just fly passenger on the Shuttle.

    - The Gremlin Guy -

  2. There is no minimum height in order to physically get on a space shuttle, however in order to be an astronaut I am sure they have their own requirements.

    The more appropriate question may be, how tall is too tall to get on a space shuttle?

  3. NASA candidacy requirements


    Be citizens of the United States.

    Pass a strict physical examination, and have a distant visual acuity no greater than 20/50 uncorrected, correctable to 20/20. Blood pressure, while sitting, must be no greater than 140 over 90.


    Commander and Pilot

    A bachelor's degree in engineering, biological science, physical science or mathematics is required, and a graduate degree is desired, although not essential.

    At least 1,000 hours flying time in jet aircraft, and experience as a test pilot is desirable.

    Height must be 5 ft 4 in to 6 ft 4 in (1.63 to 1.93 m).


    Mission Specialist

    Bachelor's degree in engineering, biological science, physical science or mathematics, as well as at least three years of related professional experience.

    Applicant's height must be 5 ft 2 in to 6 ft 4 in (1.57 to 1.93 m).


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