
How tall is 60.5 inches, height wise. ?

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5 feet and how many inches..?




  1. 60 inches of course equals 5 feet. .5 inches = 1/2 inch. Since the measurement is in inches, we use the equation 60/12=5.  As to the .5, one may also be expressed as 1.0 or as you will often see regarding money $1.00= one dollar.  .5=1/2 as in the equation 1.0/.5=2 or 2*0.5=1.  In the expression 1/2, the number 1 represents the number of units and is called the numerator because it enumerates the portion that is described by the number below the operand (/).  The number below is called the denominator because it shows the number of or, denomination, of the units being counted.  If you cut a pizza in half you have divided one whole pizza into two halves.  This equation may be expressed as 2/2 or 2 of 2 total (the WHOLE pizza).  A number expressed as a numerator  over a denominator such as 1/2 is called a fraction.  A fraction may also be expressed by a decimal point in a number such as your question "How tall is 60.5 inches?"  The number to the left of the decimal point is equal to the number of WHOLE units counted and the number to the right of the decimal point is equal to the number of PORTION of WHOLE units or a fraction.  In our pizza example you divided 1 (pizza) by 2 (slices).  The symbol "/" is called the operand and indicates what operation to perform in the calculation. / is for division and is sometimes also referred to by drawing a horizontal line dividing one number from the other.  Common operands include "*" or "x" meaning to multiply (times), "+" meaning addition (plus) and "-" meaning subtraction (minus). To solve your equation you will need to determine how large a fraction or portion of an inch is represented by .5 .  I find the easiest way to do this is to divide 1.0 by the decimal point portion to find the denominator.  Your question then requires us to divide 1.0 by 0.5 which equals 2 and we know that you have 1/2.  When you really think about it, the remaining part of your equation is really 60/12=5 or sixty twelfths equals five wholes.  For simplicity in the future it may be helpful to think of the number the way you think of money.  $1.00 equals one dollar and fifty cents or 1/2 dollar is $0.50.  In the same way you may easily recognize these other fractions $0.75 equals  seventy-five cents, held in your hand as three quarters or 3/4, $0.25 is one quarter 1/4, $0.10 is one dime or one tenth (1/10) and a nickel is $.05 one twentieth (1/20).  All of this is the long answer for 60.5 inches is five feet, one half inch.  

  2. 0.5 inches = 0.0416666667 feet.

    So, 60.5 inches = 5.04166667 feet.... Hope that helped......

  3. 5 ft and 1/2 inch.

  4. It's just 5 or 5'1 becuse .5 is half an inch.

  5. 5 feet, .5 inches. A half an inch is a half an inch no matter which way you look at it...  

  6. 5 ft, 5 inches  

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