
How tall is the Magdeburg Bridge in Germany?

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How tall is the Magdeburg Bridge in Germany?




  1. I think you mean the Canal Bridge over the Elbe River. It is the only bridge in Magdeburg that is famous enough for you to ask about it. The Canal Bridge allows ships travelling along the Mittellandkanal to get on the other side of the Elbe River without having to descend to the level of the Elbe River.

    I personally estimate the height from the ground to be around 20 to 30 meters. At the highest water level that still allows ships to go on the Elbe there is 6,5 meters distance between water level and lowest point of the bridge.

    I hope that this was what you wanted to know.

  2. Do you mean the Sternbrücke in Magdeburg? Or do you mean a bridge named the "Magdeburgbrücke" in some other city?

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