
How tall is to tall at Cedar Point (Sandusky OH)?

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I have a friend who is 6 ft 7 inches he to tall to ride on the coasters?




  1. some rides do have height limits. On some rides  at KBF it is 6'4", it depends on the ride. According to this list, i don't see any...

    However, if you get on the ride and your neck or head passes the head rest, you may not be allowed to ride for safety reasons. (ie whiplash possibility). In the case your friend is too tall to ride any rollercoasters, I am sure management will comp you some how, as long as you remain polite about the issue. Guests who don't b*tch about stuff like that are more likely to get comps than those who yell and scream at the employees for trying to keep them safe.

  2. no he shouldnt be.  i just went there last monday and it didnt say how tall to be on there.  so he could be just fine.

  3. I have a friend the same height and the only real thing he complains about is scrunching down to fit in the seat. Should be ok, if he doesnt mind that.

  4. According to Cedar Point's website, he may not be able to ride up to 11 of their coasters as well as a few other rides.  Those rides include:  Blue Streak, Chaos, Corkscrew, Disaster Transport, Mantis, Maverick, maXair, Mean Streak, Millennium Force, Mine Ride, Power Tower, Raptor, Skyhawk, Top Thrill Dragster, Wave Swinger, and Wicked Twister.

    Basically, males who exceed 6'2", and those who exceed 225 pounds, have a 40" waistline or 52" chest or females who exceed 200 pounds or wear size 18 or larger may not be able to fit into the restraints.  Since everyone has different body proportions, they can't set in place exact standards on height and weight.

  5. i dont think theres a height limit.

    check the website

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