
How tall of a stick should i buy if i am about 5'1 and i am a defense and like my sticks long??

by  |  earlier

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the stick i am thinking about is 57" is that the right length?




  1. should be no higher than your chin, if ya like em long to your nose.

  2. If your a kid and your growing i would say that's about right but if you stopped growing i would go about a inch shorter. It is really hard to shoot with a stick that's too long! Especially from the blue line.

  3. id go 60 inches because you want a pock check to be strong

  4. I would go with the 9 foot one.

  5. thats what she said

  6. It should come up to your nose, it should work well because your a defense.

  7. I am also a defenseman at ice hockey and I like my sticks a tad bit long. Just buy whatever stick you like (it can be too long) and the store will usually cut it to where you want it. I like my sticks at my eyes on skates (my nose in shoes) although it is supposed to be noes on skates and chin on shoes.

  8. Sounds about right.

  9. everyone always says it should be at your chin when wearing skates. i think whatever is more comfortable to you is the best answer.

  10. feild hockey? ice hockey? street hockey?

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