
How tall should a surfboard be?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get my first surfboard but i dont know how long it should be or how much i should spend. Any help???




  1. first off surf boards are generally all expensive.  but best place to find one cheap might be a pawn shop or ebay.  surf shops do sell used boards but d**n do they rip people off on those.  about the size.  the best thing you might want to do is go to a surf shop and ask them your self cuz they would know what size board you would need for the waves that are typically in your area.  like for me i have 7 different boards and sizes.  waves here in panama city are so unpredictable.  and as for a first surf board you want to get a used one cuz your going to ding it up.  as for how much you want to spend on it is up to you.  normal price for a good short board (new) would probably be like 6-8 hundred but if you went to like a pawn shop your looking at maybe 200 for it(used of coarse).

  2. Like Khali!!!

  3. Im an experienced surfer. For a beginner, you should go for a longboard because it is easier to learn to stand up on because there is more room to move around. When you surf you have to stand in the middle of the board and when ur a beginner your not always paying attention to where you stand. So on a longboard there is a larger "middle" of the board to stand on for balance. I would suggest a board size of 7"6-8ft board. Now, for prices you have to be careful. Certain surf shops cell used boards and most of them are good prices. A brand new board can cost anywhere from $200-$900. I have a 8ft Roxy Board and it cost $599.

    I hope I helped you =]

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