
How tall was Prince William when he was a 12-year-old?

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I know he stands 6'3" now, but how tall was he as a prepubescent?




  1. And thats important because....................

  2. i think you'll find he shot up when he was 12 so :

    a) he wasn't prepubescent and

    b) most humans grow until they are adults.

  3. Horsefeathers! Prince Charles is about 6 feet, I've met him.

  4. he is in all probability about 5`10" really. Charles is tiny (5`4"-5"). Princess Michael of Kent towers over them and did over diana who was supposed to have been about 5`10". however I have met Princess Michael several times and in high (4" at least) heels the top of her head comes to under my nose, I am a shade over 6`. So many people in public life claim to be much taller than they really are.

    Danelady: as have I and if he is 6` I must be Andre the giants twin brother

  5. Who cares.

  6. On his 12th birthday, Prince William was said to be 4ft 11.5 inches in height.

    (Re Charles - since his mid-teens, this 5'5" prince has had special shoes made to add between 4" and 6" to his 'height'. A misplaced invoice revealed that, in 2001, a pair of these shoes cost £1875).

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