
How tall will i be........?

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just wondering o;

im 13, only 5'1 & most of my friends are taller than me, sometimes i feel like the odd one out, being the shortest..

i get plenty of sleep, eat healthy foods, and excersize regularly.

one of my friends parents who was comparing me to another friend who is 5'3 was like how come ur so short when ur parents are taller than her parents..and i find that a bit rude. btw my dad is 5'9 and my mom is 5'3..

i didnt get my period yet, but idk if that has anything to do with growing taller

anyone know about when i will get my growth spurt or how tall i will be as an adult?




  1. hey. dont feel bad im 13 and 5'8 sometimes i would feel better if I was short. yes your period has a major deal with it you usually grow another 4 inches after your period.

  2. youll probably be taller then your mum,

    but shorter then your dad :)

  3. If you haven't had your period yet, you will definitely get taller.  I didn't get my period until I was almost 15.  I continued to grow even after high school.  I was 5'8" in high school and grew two more inches afterwards.  I can't say how tall you'll be.  It depends how tall your grandparents are/were as well.

  4. don't worry, i am sure your friends don't mean to be rude, and anyway it sounds like youre a late bloomer and are going to have the last laught on them. If most of your friends are average then they are at 96 percent of there height, however if you are a late bloomer your are at 91 percent of your adult height, which brings your projected height to 5 foot 7, they won't be laughing looking up. But in the unlikey case you don't get much taller, your fine as you are, kiids and teens say dumb things sometimes and i can Garentee that there is some part of them selfs they feel akward about as well.

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