
How technologically advanced were the ancient Greeks/Romans?

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Did they have much more technology/advancements that most people would believe?

Did societies loose some of these advancements after the great empires collapsed? Did the middle ages have less technology?

Whare is some of the technology/architecture that the ancients had that most peopel wouldn't realise?

Did they have indoor plumbing just like we do now?




  1. Not very.  There was some plumbing, using lead pipes, from which the word "plumbing" came: plumbum is Latin for lead.

  2. I can think of a few things like the wheel, fire, metal, pulleys, aqua-ducts

  3. you asked a good question that i dont know,and been wondering to...i think they had more tech than we did,but in a diffrent way,i mean a man now days couldnt handle the labor work THEY did back in the day

  4. Romans had plumbing and central heat. They built roads, bridges and aquaducts which are still used 2000 years after they were constructed.

  5. Saying they were technologically advanced is difficult.  In comparison to whom?

    They had technology certainly.  Plumbing, yes!  Hot tubs, forges for metals, architecture that's survived thousands of years (and earthquakes), and literature that we still steal from today.  They created arches, aqueducts, roads (some still exist).

    Where the advancements lost?  No, just put away.  When the  Church began dominating societies, "ancient" ideas were set aside as counter to the church's goals.  (It's more complicated than this, but it's the short and sweet story).

    Where is some of the tech?  All over Europe really.  It can be found in England (London was actually created by the Romans (Londonium)), round to the Middle East and south into Egypt.  They influenced architecture, clothing styles and literature everywhere they went.

    No their plumbing didn't quite work the same way ours did, and those that did have plumbing to their homes were extremely wealthy.

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