
How tell relative to stop killing me?

by Guest65266  |  earlier

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How can you tell a friend or relative to stop driving a large SUV, which is an extreme global warming machine?




  1. drive his key into the side of his pretty little suped up suv  carve help the world into his leather seats. take a louisville slugger to both headlights, slash a hole in all 4 tires and maybe next time h**l think before he pollutes :)

  2. It is none of your business in a free society what they drive. Get over your self righteousness.

  3. It always irritates me when environmentalist suggest that we are nearing the point where it is hard to find easy to reach petroleum when their is plenty as a previous answer suggested.  They won't allow exploration or utilization of new fields yet they claim we are running our of oil.  We are not.  We are simply running our of resolve. SUVs aren't killing you.  Lack of historical understanding, lack of proper science education, lack of experience, and lack of an open mind might be causing you some problems, however.

  4. You are aware that it is busy bodies like you always trying to spend other peoples money that created the SUV in the 1st place.

    Everyone with small children or grand children now have to buy big cars to put the oversize car seats in.

    Silly me, you do not really care about anybody, no mater who you hurt or how much.  When it becomes clear you were wrong there is still no apology.  Just another foolish busy body rant.

    How sad.

  5. I don't think you should.  What you can do them is advise them on there NEXT purchase of a vehicle.  It is not clear that disposing of an existing SUV and replacing it with a new more efficient car will help solve anything, since there is a substantial investment in carbon in producing the new car.

  6. Its their money.

    Nothing will change American habits like money. I have no doubt that if gas stayed under $3 per gallon the world would ride it right into environmental h**l, but thats not gonna be the case. Gas prices are going up and they won't go down too much as cheaply attainable oil dwindles.  GM has is selling 4 truck factories and the Hummer line because of high gas prices.

    Economics tend to even things out. Capitalism isn't as bad as people say.

  7. "Just dig his key into the side, of his stupid little pullutin SUV"

    Sorry I care about the environment, and try to stop global warming. But wanna know an easy way! Cancel his insurance, steal all of his cash, dump it in a lake (or use it for your personal preference. O! or use that money to buy a hybrid, than trash the sucker and dump it in a lake. So he can't replace it that is!

  8. Put it bluntly. Say " your car is killing the environment. Trade it in for something better or I will take it off the road permanently". If you need help I know a lot of good ways to send a car to h**l.

  9. Your friend isn't killing you and abandoning a SUV for another new car may actually take more energy.  Simply encourage your friend (non-judgmentally) that a more economical replacement car (when the time comes) is smart for his/her pocket-book and helps the environment.

  10. cranky u are kind of cute..

  11. You don't tell them. It's their cash. Eventually it will run short with gas prices the way they are and they will have to conserve. Just give it time.

  12. casually bring up the topic of global warming, then just jokingly be like "haha that SUV of your's isn't helping" or something like that. make sure to make it seem like you're joking, then see what they say.

  13. sugar in the tank.

    if, however, it is a diesel powered machine, give them biodiesel.

  14. you say: "DEE DEE DEE"

  15. You can't.  It's not killing you, so just mind your own business and do nothing.

  16. Do they drive it for a good reason.  Do they need it for work or like my sister as a really big family.  If it would take more than one c ar or truck to do what needs to be done is not driveing a SUV better thatn useing severl of any thing else

  17. sounds like you are jealous

  18. You'd make a great evil dictator.

    Tell him to quit breathing out CO2 and you should do the same if you really want to help the planet.

    And SUV's don't necessarily use more gas or emit more exhaust than most other cars.

    Ignorance is a costly commodity.

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