
How terrible was your mom???

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do not answer if your mom was like the mom from the brady bunch!!!!




  1. she's pretty good compared to some moms but she has her days and im glad i dont live with her though anymore

  2. that's a scary question

  3. My mom is definitely not Carol Brady, but she was pretty fair.  I consider her to be one of my best friends now.  

  4. my mom was my best friend. she was over-protective but she had our best interest at heart.  

  5. She was creative, temperamental, moody, sometimes depressed and lazy, to the point that we were somewhat neglected by the standards of the 1950's.  And yet her creativity resulted in a household full of things that were much more interesting than housework.  We had lots of the best books to read, for instance.  We went on a lot of vacations.  She had a masters degree and was an elementary school teacher who stood for no back talk.  We learned proper grammar and intelligent speech from her shining example.  And yet, we grew up resenting the fact that all too often her students seemed to be more important to her than we were.  She had kind of a temper, and could really hurt your feelings, but also knew how to lavish praise when it was due, and that didn't happen very often, so we usually didn't know how to react to that praise.  Old fashioned "schoolmarm" and she was strictly a lady.  Our father made it clear he felt privileged to be her spouse, and we all felt that she was more lucky than he was.  

  6. i guess you don't want me to answer, but my mom is the most amazing person in my life. i would die for her any day. and she is my best friend.

  7. She was cold hearted and my dad was worse.

  8. My mother told my sister and myself regularly that the reason my father was away so much was because he wanted boys and was stuck with us. My father commented on how pretty my hair was when I was really little and my mother lopped it off. My mother was a legalized junkie, leaving me in charge of a 6 yr old and a newborn at 8 years of age because she was too stoned to get out of bed and my poor father was putting in 12-16 hour days at the time just to support us, most of the time keeping him out of state to make a living. My mother filed a PFA on me at 16 for hitting her when I was already moved out 5 months already and could not have possibly have hit her (even though I wanted to for all the other things she had done but out of love and respect for my father I never did). My youngest brother is a vile piece of sh** who would continually drive by my house shouting profanities and many other things in earshot of my children so I filed harassment charges against him in which my mother took the stand and bashed my parenting, bashed me as a daughter and just continued to bash me even though it was HER son who was the cause of so much grief. In the end, the monster she raised, her precious baby, took her life 8 years ago. Her saint who could do no wrong was the very cause of her death. Ironic?

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