
How the h**l can a woman live in this culture without going nuts???

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There are TONS of things that women are pressured by today, but I'm gonna focus on the media's sexual influence on us.

Is anyone else out there absolutely SICK of the media and other sources telling us we have to look/act a certain way in order to be "s**y" or "acceptable"???

Everywhere I look there's nothing but scrawny made-up bimbos on TV, in movies, magazines, ads, etc. and well... it's irritating to say the least!

There's incredible pressure to have Lipo, plastic surgery, Botox... and it saddens me to see so many women ashamed of their NATURAL beautiful bodies! Women are being conditioned to think there's something wrong with them unless they look a certain way!

It's frustrating with all this pressure!

I can't be the only one who feels this way, right??

(I'm not totally against fixing yourself up if it's truly what you want, but 16 yr old girls wanting boob jobs is TERRIBLE, yeah?!)

Lemme hear it ladies!!




  1. I would agree that our society and culture today is badly messed up.  But your focus on 'women's plight regarding appearance' is probably the best example....

    We live in a culture where children go to school with no food in their bellies - so they have a very difficult time learning.  This will impact them for the rest of their lives - as their education and future will suffer.

    We live in a culture where children will kill another child for their running shoes.  And while we're at it - those running shoes are produced by billionaires, and they are sold are ridiculously high prices.  

    We live in a society so influenced by religion that hatred for those who do not believe as we do are 'the enemy'.

    Frankly, I find all these things far more crucial to the future of all of us than worrying about women being influenced by ridiculous stereotypes.  And truly - women CHOOSE to be influenced by those things.  No one can MAKE me feel badly about myself if I am a strong and confident woman.  So those who are influenced are weak and lemminglike - not really a concern of mine.

  2. What a breath  of fresh air, Your 100% correct

  3. Amen doodlebug, there's no supply without demand to begin with.

    However, the advertisers may exploit that initial demand and manipulate it so they can make sales on other products too

  4. It is beyond annoying! Know what I do? Turn off the tv, don't bother buying the magazines, and just wear what I want to wear and to heck with societal pressure. It's so much easier when you let it slide and ignore it. I think I look fine just the way I am. It helps that hubs can't keep his hands and eyes off me too! LOL

  5. Media influence is heavy, but it's only inevitable if you choose it. The choice is between going with the flow and not standing out like a sore thumb (perhaps causes self-concious anxiety) and deciding to jettison the media's idea of how things should be.

    Most people choose option number one, then complain about influence.

    Now that marketing and media have their claws in the male market for fashion etc, things are going the same way for men.

  6. I admit I feel sorry for women who are so insecure that they are not happy with how they look and cave in under these pressures. As a result, they end up making themselves look like freaks in a sad attempt to look "perfect". It isn't just women. Does anybody honestly believe Michael Jackson is more attractive now than he was at the start of his solo career? Apparently, he doesn't think so because he keeps getting things done and making himself look worse.

  7. You arent the only one that feels that way. Im 17 years old and see girls of 13+ feeling like they have to change themselves to suit the lastest trend and try the new diet out. I think its ridiculous. The media pays too much attention to the female form. There are girls playing dumb, and others as young as 11 wearing make up and dyeing their hair.

    It is not needed. Women need to realise that they are gorgeous just the way they are.

    We were born looking a certain way for a reason.

    Conformity is overtaking teens and creating a society of unhappy girls who want to fit the 'ideal' image.

    Before you go to great lengths to alter your image try to answer this question.

    What is ideal?

  8. Hi

    its difficult to reconcile the media pressue with the men in our lives telling us well we like you natural. it makes you think - well if you like me natural why does x magazine say otherwise?

  9. Yes.  I have only lately begun to appreciate the femaleness of my figure, in contrast to the teen-age boy with implants figure that women are barraged with in the media.

    The softness on my inner thighs make a nice cushion for my lover.  The softness of my hips that can carry children comfortably.  The soft roundness of my arms that soften my embrace.  

    Each womanly feature has a purpose, and is good!

  10. Great quote I heard today:

    "If every woman in the world woke up tomorrow and said "there is nothing wrong with me, I'm beautiful just as I am and I won't be buying any more cosmetics" whole financial and business empires would crumble".

    'Beauty' and fashion are industries, and they're big business, really big.

    I doubt they'll go quietly regardless of how sick we might be of them!

    Cheers :-)

  11. You mean women live in this culture without going nuts?  They are nuts, most of them.

  12. well i for one find a nice skinny girl much more attractive than a ******* whale. But hey, thats just me

  13. 1stClass, it isn't just men going to war.

    Do you even READ? Or does your husband take care of that nasty business for you?

  14. yeah! I'm sick of it too!

  15. I agree. The influence it is having on my Daughter (11) is worrying.

    I have to say that reading some of the women's magazines the pressure for women to conform to a stereotype is brought about by women on women. One page is about a healthy lifestyle and 'it doesn't matter as long as you are healthy' and the next page is all about x*x celeb and doesn't she look better now she's lost a few pounds...and here's here banana and kiwi diet sheet. That I can never understand.

  16. "There are TONS of things that women are pressured by today".

    Sure there is pressure to look pretty, but do you think the cosmetics industry was created in the absence of any demand? It looks like a reciprocal relationship to me; many women want to look attractive and will go to any lengths to have an advantage. The industry serves this demand, and I doubt it created it.

  17. i complety agree... natural beauty is the most amazing thing to me and i personaly think a girl looks better with no makeup.  Its sad that girls think that ALL men are piggish, and would only go out with the big breasted ones.  I strongly feel that the new rap/r&b music is having a huge role in this, that music is so stupid... alll i hear on the radio is "l**k l**k l**k IT LIKE A LOLLIPOP" its disgusting and there are kids like ages 7 and up listening to this c**p. I think parents should start censoring what their kids listen to.

  18. You cannot be more wrong.

    Men have 10x more responsibilities than women, including the pressure to go to war to defend our country. American women are the most spoiled in the history of the world.

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