
How the Hydrogen Economy Works???

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It seems like every day there is a new announcement in the news about automobiles powered by fuel cells. The promises are tantalizing, since fuel cells have the potential to very quickly double the efficiency of cars while significantly reducing air pollution.

At the same time, there have been news stories for decades about the problems associated with petroleum. Everything from oil spills to ozone alerts to global warming gets blamed on our dependence on fossil fuels.




  1. You've been lied to.  

    There's no reliable source of hydrogen, for one thing: the assumption is that hydrogen would be supplied by giant water electrolysis plants, but there are no plans for these and they'd present serious technical, safety, and environmental challenges were they ever built.  Hydrogen is explosive, but it contains little energy for all its bang.  So you have to handle a lot of it to power any sort of a motor vehicle, which is why we don't use it for anything.  

    I wouldn't get too excited over hydrogen.  The people who were pushing it were acting on behalf of people in the government who hadn't thought it through very well.  There are far better alternatives: I'd recommend electric buses and trucks powered through overhead trolley wires.  Old technology, works great.  Keep your car for weekends.

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