
How the american people see the european union?

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How the american people see the european union?




  1. I think a lot of Americans and Europeans don't know much about the European Union.  Most know it involves free trade but that's about it.  I think many people, particularly Americans, would be worried if they understood the extent of unification as ultimately Europe may become a single superpower that would put America into second place in terms of economy, wealth, population, technology, military power etc.

    Quite if and when this will happen I don't know but it seems to be the road that many European leaders are going down.

  2. I see the EU as a great place to take a vacation.

  3. EU Bashing has become a common US attitude but that has several other reasons than the EU itself.

    Indeed, the knowledge of US citizens about the EU is very limited, even more limited than the EU citizens themselves.

    The EU is not bureaucratic since the whole EU employs less state workers than the city of Strasbourg has state workers for example !!! (around 20 000). This is a ridiculous number of people if you think about it, and all what is accomplished.

    I can tell you of several EU administrations who use external consultants instead of hiring themselves...    just compare the EU environmental commission and the EPA and you will really realize who is the most bureaucratic ! (I myself did some EU-bashing before discovering the situation in the US)

    Who else more than the EU protects the customers, the environement, free market and freedom of trade, freedom of move, peace, cooperation and development and so on ???

    The EU brought us peace stability and prosperity.


    Each EU state has the right to decide which social policy it pursues as long as it is not discriminatory against other EU states or agains EU law. Some are very liberal, some others are very free market oriented. Just like US states are allowed to create laws for themselves. Some EU states are more welfare oriented... the EU nevertheless tends more to countersteer in the other direction to ensure a free market without protectionism.

    I also hear a lot of criticism about the EU economical performance but people forget to notice that we pay to develop countries from the former communist block. Not to mention that it took us decades to pay for the developement of some mediterranean countries. It would be like Mexico joining the US... yes such economical disparities... and we´re rather doing a good job at it !

    Concerning the muslims, we only started to have problems with them after the Iranian revolution which is the result of the american policy in the Middle East. Before, there wasn´t such an anti-western attitude.

    And don´t forget... without europeans, there wouldn´t be a country called USA.

  4. Many Americans are not well informed on the EU but I asked everyone in my office and they knew a little bit about it.  People who have traveled to Europe think the Euro is a good idea but many first generation Europeans in the US worry that their homelands will be bleached of culture eventually.  That would be a shame but as one person answering on this site was eager that it would allow Europe to become a world power and more powerful than the US there may be some there interested in becoming a military power.  I think a great thing for Europe to do would be speak out, influence and even send troops via the UN to trouble spots in thier own regions.  Is Iran a threat to the US or to Europe?  The reality is that commerce is the great unifier and divider, if the EU can bring prosperity and progress to Europe, without leaving lesser members behind then it would be a positive thing.  If the smaller, less wealthy countries are dominated and have little influence than it will be a bad thing.

  5. I envy EU citizens because their passport bestows them with the right to live and work in a variety of countries with a variety of languages.

  6. some of us , do know the impact of EU ,more so than others , i think it is a great happening for Europe ,

    first of all , the money in Europe was a mad house , too many currencies to bring Europe nowhere , now with the euros ? things have turned around in a big way , the US dollar ,is not as powerful , this is not my greatest concern , it allows Europe to have a better place in the world Economy and markets and permit Europe to move in a larger scale with other countries , good thing ......

    it has also opened a can of worms ? now immigration has a wide open door ? is it good or bad ? no comments from me .........:-)

  7. good question.

    as a brit., i would imagine the americans are glad of some stability in europe.

    without american support, europe would be h**l on earth... remember hitler, mussolini,  napoleon., stalin.........

  8. As an American, I see the European Union in a mostly negative light.  It looks to be a bueraucratic web of regulation.  It supports a welfare state that keeps unemployment high and lazy terrorist muslims on the dole.  The unified currency might be OK.  The open borders are a good idea.  They complain about American hegemony but could not have overthrown the Naz/Communist menace with out the USA. If it wasn't for the USA there would be no EU.

  9. they have no idea what it is.

    most man on the street interview thinks a labor union.

    as long as France is part of it who cares.

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