
How the earth gets oxygen from the rain forest?

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  1. The trees breathe in sunlight and breathe out oxygen.  The trees in the Amazon, for example, are essential to our ecosystem.

  2. The plants absorb the carbon dioxide and through photosynthesis create oxygen. The Rainforests are one of the largest sources of oxygen because of the constant sunlight (which starts the photosynthetic process) and the large amount of photosynthic (green pigment in the leaves) material.

  3. it gets smuggled in

  4. plants build sugars for food and to make cellulose, and for that they need carbon atoms.  They get carbon mainly from carbon dioxide, but they always end up with too many extra oxygen atoms from the photosynthesis reaction.  Oxygen is pretty dangerous stuff, and the simplest way to get rid of it is to release it in the form of oxygen gas.  Big plants, like trees, have a lot of leaves making the sugars they need to grow, which means they give off a lot of oxygen.

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