
How the environment get polluted?

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How the environment get polluted?




  1. Chinese people... And not forgetting Americans.

    These two are the biggest polluters ever. Fact.

  2. Pollution occurs for the following reasons:

    --  artificial chemical products are dumped, but because Nature has never seen these molecules before it cannot break them.  If they are toxic, they are killing plants and animals.

    Examples:  plastic and for a toxic product PCB.

    --  enormous concentration of a product, even a natural product. Nature can absorb so much, but after that the environment is changed or destroyed.

    Examples:  Wood (I should say an entire forest) floating on a river. CO2 in the atmosphere. Nuclear waste.

    -- a product placed in an environment where it should not be.

    Example: dumping milk or organic products  in rivers or the oceans.

    -- objects that are traps for animals.

    Examples:  transparent plastic bags for turtles, fish nets for seals.

    -- objects or products that help a species.

    Examples:  Tires with a bit of water breed mosquitoes, phosphorus gives a boost to algae.

  3. human carelessness to fix the problem.

    too many fossil fuels being burned into the air from transportation.

    too many industrial buildings or skyscrapers instead of greenery.

  4. Over the years, there's been lots of inventions, inventions which contains chemicals, such as cigarettes, cars, nuclear, etc.

    As these increased, the oxygen was replaced with nitrogen, which is a reactive chemical substance, you can't obviously notice, but only oxygen is useful to plants and trees, whereas, nitrogen is useful for our breathing.

    So, the answer is, the invention of chemical substances, is how the enviorment got polluted.

  5. I'm not sure there's a big enough can opener to open up this can of worms.

  6. People are wasteful and use unclean ways of powering stuff.

  7. humans release chemicals into the atmosphere. we're basically tearing apart our planet with all of the pollutants being released. :(

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