How the followig will enjoy:-
patients on bed who are not being attended by doctors properly or being fleeced,people whose land is in waterloging areas,people whose land is in drought hit area, people who are in flood hit area,farmers who are not being given tubewell connections against their registered applications since1992,students who do not get admissions in medical colleges on account of leakage of question papers of enterance tests, poors who have no shelters in such a bitter cold,people who can not afford heavy fee of colleges,people have no fuel to cook their food, private medical colleges students who are being fleeced by taking the money(under the table) by managements, candidates seeking the jobs in private colleges to whom the job is not offered on account of that they have no their own mamber in managements,people who have to give the money to govt. employee/officer for getting their work(Due to the presence of defects in theRTI-ACT-2005)and students who do not get job