
How the heck can i approach this girl?

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i kno this girl...nice girl

we liked eachother about 3-4 years ago and talked a lot

we never really actually "dated" or anything of tht nature

throughout the years we almost never talked except for little hellos and goodbyes on facebook

i saw her yesterday for the first time since bout 2 months ago but before then i haven't seen her in probably a year or something....but yesterday i was so nervous i didn't even say hi.

but lately ive just fell for her like outta no where and its wierd cuz its a feeling i just can't let go.

i feel like shes the one but i feel like if i tell her how i feel she'll think im completely wierd cuz its like we know nothing about eachother...

and im not sure..but she seems like shes dating some other guy..seems like it but probably not.

what should i do about my feelings toward heR?




  1. At first, try to ask her about herself so that you know more about her life, choice, etc...  Then, ask her if she has a boyfriend.  If she has one, continue to be friendly with her.  If she doesn't have a boyfriend, make you move before she get one.

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