
How the heck do i find out when my luteal phase is?

by  |  earlier

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every ovulation calender site that i go on ask me this "How long is your luteal phase?" and i don't even know what that is let alone how long it is. can anyone help me find out how i can calculate it? and tell me what it is.




  1. luteal phase is the time between ovulation and the start of your next period.  good luck!!

  2. always 14 days  

  3. you would use BBT or ovulation predictor kits to find out when you ovulate then count the days until your period (normally this is 14 days)

    The Importance of The Luteal Phase

    The Luteal Phase is a term that is used in describing the time period that's calculated from the day after ovulation and runs through the remainder of a monthly cycle.  This phase usually lasts between 12 and 16 days and is fairly consistent within woman's cycle.  This page explains the importance of the Luteal Phase and its function while charting your fertility spreadsheet.

    The luteal phase is the day after ovulation and runs through the remainder of a woman's cycle.   It is also frequently referred to as "days past ovulation" or "DPO".  During the luteal phase a women produces progesterone increasing her temperature.  The higher temperature acts like an incubator which is important in maturing a fertilized egg if conception has occurred.

    Luteal Phase Length

    The length of the first phase (pre-ovulatory) can vary within a woman's cycle - but the luteal phase usually remains the same.  Ovulation can be delayed by a number of factors....stress, illness, medication, heavily increased activity, etc.  Even if you do not ovulate around the normal time period -  in knowing the length of your luteal phase you are aware of exactly when your menstrual period is due.  This discounts the belief of those say they always have "late periods".  If they were charting they would realize that actually it was just their ovulation being delayed and they were not late at all.  A normal luteal phase is approximately 12 - 16 days and needs to be at least 10 days for implantation to take place.  A short luteal phase can cause fertility problems making it difficult for a women to get pregnant.  

  4. Well your luteal phase is always 14 days after you ovulate,  so take the day that you ovulated and count forward 14 days , which ever date you land on  is the date you are expected to get your period.  

  5. Ths video expalins everything u need to know.

    Make a search in for leutal phase....there are lot of videos which explain abt the leutal phase. U will understand better.

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