
How the heck do people who dive do that thing where you twist in the air?

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How the heck do people who dive do that thing where you twist in the air?




  1. You need to enter the mind of a diver and feel the flow. Its like anything you learn, find the right angle and discover how to own the movement.

    When training a dog, you take one step at a time. The same principles apply to humans in training. Whether sports, dancing, working, you start with the basics. Observe the skills and by continuous repetition, suddenly you get it. After that you practise and practise and practise, thus improving the required skills.

    Might I add, that not all divers manage to learn the technique and some even end up, landing outside on the pool. Instead of breaking in the water, they fall on the concrete, which often results for the diver ending up in a wheel-chair. I knew a guy who was lucky twice, but third time it broke his spine. He ended up a very successful wheelchair bound PR businessman running a company in marketing and advertising management.

  2. a lot of practice, and training

    when i was diving competitively, we did a lot of dryland traing, where we were able to learn new skills on the trampoline with a harness (there are special harnesses to use for twisting dives) on or use the dryboard  

  3. Lots and lots of practice!!  Isn't that cool to watch?!

  4. loads n loads of practice

    they really need a lot of power n energy 2 twist n turn in the air...

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