
How the heck do some religious people claim that "human beings aren't animals"?

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We have two eyes, just like animals.

We have a mouth, just like animals.

We must eat to survive, just like animals.

We p**p, just like animals.

We mate, just like animals.

We have nipples, just like animals.

We have fingers and toes, just like animals.

We communicate through vocalization, just like animals.

The list could go on all night...

Granted, we have more complex brains, but how can some religious people flatly deny that we are animals? Denying evolution is one thing (that's a whole other issue) but to deny that we are animals? I mean, are you being willfully ignorant or are you just really bad at seeing obvious evidence?




  1. what religion are you talking about :S

  2. I personally don't teach that. We are animals, but many Christians teach that we are above them for many just as obvious reasons. We create wonders like the Hagia Sophia and Canon in D. We aspire to do impractical things like walk on the moon, and actually make it happen. We take great pains to make our lives better, and have an idea about what "better" entails. We do many things just for their own sake, not just to fill a biological need. While all of this does set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom, it does not exclude us from it.  

  3. What many people do not realize is that animals are just as intelligent as we humans. Just because they don't know how to do mathematics because they were never trained so doesn't mean that they are idiots.

    Notice that there are several intelligent examples of intelligent animals in the wild. The Archer fish, the monkeys and apes being able to fashion termite sticks, and fishing baskets (however crude, still impressive). Elephants are also known to learn especially quickly.

    truthfully, if we were to observe every species of animal known to man (like biologists, animal behaviorists and animal rights specialists), we'd see that we are no more special than the animals. They match us up in intelligence, diligence, loyalty and peace.

    But why do religious people take offense in being thought of as an animal? Because of religion.

  4. We are animals, but we aren't animals.  Not in the sense that we go on instinct only.  We think and reason things through rather than reacting on instincts.  We have are able to learn much much more than animals.  But we rarely use the brains that we have in a constructive way.  Sometimes I admire animals more than I do people.  They don't purposely destroy things out of boredom or for progress, they don't kill unless they have to.  They do love and care about their young and groups.  Go figure huh?  So who are the true animals?  Man, or the rest of the animal kingdom?

  5. We have moral reasoning animals do not.

    They act on instinct not by moral reason.

    is a action morally acceptable or is it not.

    Also i was not aware animals had fingers and toes.

    I thought they had claws or legs, but a actual foot with toes?

    Not on any animal I have seen.

    Animals make sounds but do not have a alphabet do not read do not entertain do not develop philosophy.

  6. We are animals.  And because of our intellect and technology we have become the most ruthless and arrogant of them all. And to all the Christians:  You do not have to believe it 4 it to be true.   (dose of ur own meds)

  7. All living things are either plant or animal. I sure hope I'm an animal. Maybe they are plants and that's the problem with their logic!

  8. Well Jesus did call the Christians sheep which is a animal.

  9. when a monkey writes,takes to a publisher,and has a best selling "Shakespeare" type book I might believe they can evolve.

    When a virus explains the meaning of the theory of relativity I might wonder if it evolved a real "brain".

    When an armadillo designs a safe rocket to fly to Pluto I might think there is something to evolution.

    If the blob that went boom (I mean bang) can explain to me where it came from (and why for no reason). Also where it got the large batch of dynamite and matches to do a self-bang I will certainly listen.

    My answer seems rediculous and so does evolution and the big bang.

  10. Only humans kill for sport.

    I am a human.

  11. Its called religion, not logic or common sense.

  12. i can name atleast a hundred reasons how we ARENT like animals.

  13. because religious people are just drones in the collective

    watch out they will try to assimilate you

  14. I sometimes wonder what category they think we fit into. (And not "human," because that's the un-scientific English name for the species.) What are we, aliens?

    We're animals...just weird unique ones.

  15. I have the ability to think, to see past and future, to reason, to fabricate tools, to use tools. I can analyze and make decisions, reason, predict. You may be an animal, but I am not. I think that this is what being a human is all about.

    Even the Elephant Man said, "I am not an animal!"

  16. Because most religious people are ignorant.

  17. Not that i don't agree with you but

    spiders have more than 2 eyes

    octopus don't have nipples

    jellyfish don't have fingers & toes

    Dogs don't have vocal chords

    Some people just want to believe that they have a higher worth on this earth but in fact were all animals and we are equal.

  18. they'd like to think humans are special from other animals

  19. They believe that humans have souls which differentiate them from animals.  Racism against Blacks in history were based on believing they were savages or animals and lacked a soul or because they lacked a soul.  Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

  20. Because we have the ability to decide right from wrong, we have the ability to reason.

    we have free will.

    and we are made in the image and likeness of God.

  21. It's a matter of definitions.  Have you ever looked at the definition of "animal"?  You can skip the first definition because that's not the one people are using when they say "We're not animals."  

    2 a: one of the lower animals as distinguished from human beings b: mammal; broadly : vertebrate

    3: a human being considered chiefly as physical or nonrational; also : this nature

    I don't know anyone who doesn't believe we're the first definition of animal, but I know plenty of people who believe that we are not driven by animalistic urges, and so are not "animals".  That whole "lower animal" and "physical or nonrational human" definition.  

  22. I'm not getting your argument.

    By definition we are animals

    . An organized living being endowed with sensation and the

          power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by

          taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for

          digestion; by giving carbonic acid to the air and taking

          oxygen in the process of respiration; and by increasing in

          motive power or active aggressive force with progress to


  23. I am Lutheran, and I agree with you about us being animals but not about evolution.

    The theory of evolution has so many holes in it. Although comparatively I guess it is just as likely as the big bang theory and *gasp* religion.

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