
How the heck do you get your hair that puffy!!!? (pics)?

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i mean like i know the whole shebang about teasing it but is there a certainw ay you tease it? and all over your haid or just parets of your hair?




  1. sounds stupid but lean over the side of the bed so youre upside down and spray tons of hairspray, that will get you the volume then work it into style when you stand back up. lol. xx

  2. Okay so for this your going to need 4 things

    1. a lottt of hairspray (it doesnt have to be an expensive brand any will do)

    2. short layers (long layers dont work aswell)

    3. a brush, or comb (to backcomb/tease it with)

    4. time to practise (it doesnt come naturally you need to practise)

    Okay so you take you shortest/top layer of you hair and what you do is take small sections of it a brush it backwards. (instead of brushing downwards you brush the opposite way townards your head)

    And you repeat this the whole way round, you can do another layer underneath if you want.

    You can get it as high as you want depending on how much you backcomb/tease it.

    Afterwards you can GENTLY brush over it to make it look neater so you cant see the knots and stuff.

    Oh and after each bit spray loads of hairspray to keep it up.


    It doesnt look right, trust me.


  3. A wig and hair extensions

  4. Wig, extensions, tons of hair spray.

  5. lots of teasing, lots of wax, lots of hairspray and possibly hair extentions to make it so thick

  6. Yep but be prepared to use a lotttttt of hairspray! ;)

    What you do, is you take one side of your head, and start from the very bottom layer (or the middle if you dont want it THAT puffy) then clip back the above layer of hair. Now once you comb through lightly through the bottom layer, lift it up and tease it (get a tooth comb and comb the inside of the layer, towards your scalp)

    When you're done, DONT LET GO of the layer. Make sure to spray it with hairspray (alot of it).

    Look up on youtube : hanhs emo hair

  7. wow. that big hari. just use lots of hair spray, or get a wig i guess.

  8. Back combing baby back combing!!!!! lost of spray and a few hair pieces. I'm a hairdresser.

  9. Back combing

    short layers of your hair up


    and hair spray ofcourse

  10. Turn your head upside down and tease it at to roots and spray the c**p out of it before you raise your head back up. Don't tease it all the way to the ends only the roots to the scalp.

  11. Definitely a wig and hair extensions.


  12. back combing n hair spray

  13. tease it. your gonna need LOTSSSSS of hairspray & just mess around with it with a COMB. & then straighten ends & bangs to get a cuter look

  14. they might use hair glue to make it stay after they tease it and stuff.

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