
How the heck does someone get 73,000+ points?!?

by  |  earlier

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The leader on the leader born has that many. Is this just all they do all day??




  1. its sad

  2. holy c**p i guess so.......kinda sad! well, maybe they are sick or handicapped so they can't do anything.or else theyre freaking crazy

  3. I know, I saw that too.  It's a bit mad really. plus he's asked like, nooo questions.

    I wonder how much he weighs..?

  4. Sorry, I don't have anything else to do.

  5. That's a lot of question answering, but with persistence, at the rate of 2 points per answer, it can be done by anyone.

  6. i guess so. maybe they don't have a life. i'm only on here for like fifteen minutes a day!

  7. they answer a lot of question...maybe they have been on here a long time...yea i do think they need toet a life! g

  8. sure looks like it...and a very good question..not sure if i can sit in front of a puter that long to answer all these but sure has been informative as well as helpful

  9. Apparently so.

  10. Wow!! I've never seen anyone who had that many points before!! That's weird!! But if all he ever does is sit and answer questions, then hey, I'm all for it. This is a very helpful and informative site. I want that many points!! Lol!!

  11. by answering questions like this.

  12. Obviously a nerd. or perhaps a geek that has set up a computer programme to answer every question possible.

  13. Only that person could really answer this question.

  14. i probley dont know

  15. It must be all they do. Ive been on here since it opened and ive got 9500 points. I dont know, I guess they stay on here 24 hours a day

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