
How the heck?

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How do i find my biological mother? I know her name and where she lives like the city but i still cant find her and i am not suposed to by state but dad says i can i am curios?




  1. My mom put up a baby for adoption when she was very young, and he contacted her an adult.  The way he went about it was to contact my grandma (mom's mom) 1st.  Then my grandma talked to my mom & they set up a meeting.  You might try something like that.  Try to find her parents & go from there.

    Good luck.  I hope that everything goes well.

  2. your adoption didn't happen to take place in the state of Washington did it? because I know of a wonderful organization you could use if it did.

  3. You may want to put an ad in the classified section of the large newspaper in the city.  Or maybe try to use one of the people finder sites on the  'net.  Keep searching for her, my mom gave me to my dad when I was three and I did not see her again until i was 18.  Granted it was weird and ten years later we do not talk at all, I am glad I found her.  Oh yeah, I found her through a site on the net.

    Please if you do find her do not expect the world of her...most ppl are let down after meeting a missing parent.  But you will gain a sense of closure and be able to move on with your life after.  I wish you the best of luck.

  4. start with phone books and online adoption reunion sites. people finds and things like that should help, just remember she might not want to be found

  5. Have you tried a white page search on yahoo.... good luck.

  6. oh forget the freaking state they just do that for protection reson u have the right to look at her medical records if need be but go to a finding people website to find out it might cost some money but it's worth it if u find ur mom

  7. There are a lot of sites that you can use.  I am assuming that you have her current name and not her maiden name??

    try thess sites:

    Many sites offer a low cost 24hr search.  This is one that I use.  These run from 15.00 to 20.00

    good luck

  8. depends on what state because some states say that you can't find a bio parent until you are 18 yo but others say that you can as long as you get a parents permission. my brother is trying to find our bio parents with out the state and it is just a difficult as it is when you have the state. than if you don't.
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