
How the h**l can this be right?

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  1. See this is why I hate politicians and social workers.

  2. omg awful

  3. all i can say is WOW!!! That is so wrong. It is not right. I do believe even though laws of changed to protect both child and mother, this still occurs with some adoption agencies.

  4. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?  It's definitley not right.  Not saying that some bioparents need a swift kick in the a$$ & a reminder that they need to stop neglecting their children but with enough of these stories circulating you would think the system would do something but unfortunately, it's the system that is doing the wrong.

    ETA - had to change aparents to bioparents...was going off on something else for a moment

  5. d**n thts awful

  6. Don't quite know what ya getting at here bud, but if ya want me to comment then i'll give it mi best shot. According to the 'stats' there's far too many 'unwanted' children as it is furthermore, in my sincere opinion, believe these 'irresponsible' mothers are just having these babies just for the SAKE of it..... which quite frankly makes me SICK!....

  7. Its not right,but its the powers of those thoughtless people,whom i would stake my life on they have no children,or if they have they are well up,sorry to say that's government for you,

    I'm just glad that my kids are up,i feel so sorry for millions of family's who have small children because they are not safe no matter where you live,even going to school these days you have manic s going into school with guns knives paedophiles,they should bring handing back or the death penalty,something has got to be done

  8. disgusting...

    and can we P.L.E.A.S.E stop referring to every pregnant and birthing woman as a f*cking BIRTHMOTHER!!!

    these MOTHERS had their babies snatched. there were no birthmothers involved in this discourse; and abortion is about as tangential to this argument as a hysterectomy.  

    brainwashed, much??? i think so.

    great links...

  9. they get paid more for that, fair enough i agree with unfit people getting their baby taken off them, if it's in the best interest of the child.

  10. Wow, getting ideas from the US now, huh?  What's next....reinstating maternity homes and forcing young mothers to relinquish?

  11. just plain vile

  12. This isn't the first I've heard about this. What's that woman's name...Fran something...? That had to literally leave the UK for this very reason, because they were going to take her baby the moment she gave birth?

    They found out later that the "grounds" were false and she's been asked to return but she refuses, saying she's happy where she is. I don't blame her...what a crock.

  13. welcome to mankind and its follies.

  14. Wow. I thought I'd heard the UK had such wonderful policies.

  15. yeah

         babies for adoption its good from the poor family who likes that . but not by  snatch

  16. its disgusting

  17. omg..that's well nasty

    they shouldn't be allowed to do that!!!

  18. look i live and work in scotland, in the social work department, and this is not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We do not snath babies from parents, they must maltreated or in a state of danger!!!  dont believe everything you read in the bloody papers.

  19. Don't think I would take everything The Daily Mail says for granted - I agree if it is true, it is appalling.

    Speaking from personal experience - when my husband & I were approved as adoptive parents (which takes considerable time), there were approx. 50 children released ready for adoption in the county in which we were approved, and only 2 sets of adoptive parents approved (of which we were one)! This does seem to scupper the idea of snatching children for adoption - if the parents aren't being approved, where exactly are these children going?

    Most of the children were older - at that time in that county there were no babies available. This was primarily because, social services worked hard to make the birth parent/s care for their own child, and it is only when this broke down irretrievably that children were taken into care.

    Then begins the process of deciding whether the child will be fostered, adopted, freed for adoption or put into another type of care unit.

    I don't think social services are angels, and I don't think they are always right. However, we never doubted they had our children's best interests at heart - in our case, they had tried to assist the birth mother to parent adequately for 8 years! Sadly, they were eventually removed for severe neglect under police escort - hardly snatched as babies.

  20. I think people need to take articles in the Daily Mail with a pinch of salt. There might be truth in it - but i wouldn't regard them as a credible source.

  21. And thet tell you that social work is a caring profession...BOLLOCKS...

  22. That's utterly disgraceful.

  23. The British system's taking the hint from the American one. We'll have closed records next. God! I even felt a bit sorry for Blair because he took so much criticism but not any more, its his dumb targets that are doing this and s******g up so many more people just to give a few selfish people some kids whose parents would be great parents anyway. Why would you put targets on adoptions? How could he not think it through and see this??? Someone should take away his kids and see how he likes it!

    I feel sick now.

  24. Looking at both sides of the coin, it is awful and the Social Services need to be dealt with severly for not following the correct protocol...however....why did they feel the need to take the child immediately???

  25. Its absolutely heart breaking and sadly not the first i have read these past weeks

  26. Local Authorities get a cash bonus when they reach their kids placed for adoption targets (set by Tony Blair's government)  It was supposed to reduce the numbers in foster care but it's backfired and the number of newborns taken in care for adoption have skyrocketed, often babies are being taken without good cause

    The cash bonus incentives are to be abolished because of this (hopefully by April of this year)

    See the figures they are getting here:

    ETA  and here

    This pales in comparison to the goings-on in the American Adoption Industry though!  at least private adoptions are illegal in the UK or we'd end up with a system like the USA where kids are commodities

  27. If we don't get the adoption agencies in the US under control this is going to start happening here. Sad case.

  28. That is very sad

  29. If even one baby is actually snatched away from his/her mother without the permission of the birth mom that is horrible- so I pray that this stops- however just think about it in relation to the many women who choose abortion- 4,000 a day in the USA alone- I pray that both of these terrible things stop.

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