
How the h**l do I suck up to my boss and get a promotion? (10 points)?

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I've been working for my boss for about 5 years, got promoted once. And here's this a$$hole who's been here for two years and got 2 promotions. I neeeda know how to suck up to my boss and get a promotion. And don't tell me to work harder and that c**p, because I work hard alright, I just dunno how to suck up.




  1. Don't get bitter.  It's easy to do.

    Well...the effort is right; you don't need more of that.

    What made the other fellow shine v. you?

    If it's all that touchy feely stuff, "How you doin' today boss?" "OH-HO-HO Tell it again boss." stuff...perhaps you're out of luck.

    The important thing is, don't try and change yourself.  What got you the first promotion was you.  Keep being you and don't be bitter...your attitude will show. People will remember that well beyond the fact that you didn't get the nod for this one.  People remember attitude.

    In essence, don't learn how if it isn't you.  

    Besides, in retrospect, things move very fast in the corporate world.and you don't see it coming.  Bosses change (as in replaced) opportunity comes when and where you least expect it. more sage piece.  There was a fellow at work.  He was confident, boastful, and really played politics.  This fellow was going ends up he did.  Well, I was talking to my boss in my performance review.  He liked me I think.  My question was how to get ahead (I was a little jealous of the other fellow).  He told me something that I've always remembered because it was very true.  He said, "People see what you see.  They even see it in the same way, with the same intensity that you do.  People have different hot buttons, so they dont react the same way...but people see things exactly the way you do."

    Let them see the good in you.

    Promotion comes slower for some people.  Some times people move up really fast...then suddenly you never hear of them again.  The difference is, it may come slower...but you probably will not go back down.

    It's a little long winded....but good luck!

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