
How the h**l do i get rid of this d**n centipede!?!?!?

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There is this evil little scary centipede that has been living in MY basement....

i saw it down there sometime between June 16-20..(don't ask how i remember this)

and i saw it again today (July 3rd)

I'm pretty sure its the same centipede. i won't want to kill it....i'm to afraid. and i can't even go in my basement because i am terrified of the little buggers..

so what do i do!?!? will it EVER leave on its own? i thought it left because i hadn't seen it for a week but its back..

what to i do!?




  1. you have to kill it or have a friend come over and kill it. they don't leave easily and usually have a mate. act quickly

  2. well, centipedes are poinsonous at least according to what i saw on animal planet. but a great solution is to go to you local homedepot or walmart and ask them if they have any "bug bombs". these things are amazing mainly cause all you have to do is set it off in a room, close the door and wait like 8 hours, go back in, and bam all the bugs in that room and in the walls are dead. this is so easy to do and they only cost like 3 bucks or something.

  3. maybe squash it? but if you don't want to just slowly kill it with some bug spray or something?

  4. Either you should just leave it alone or have someone else go kill it =P   just spray it with bug spray killer stuff or just when you find it you shoudl put a cup over it so you can leave it there and die =)

  5. Ugh!! I HATE ALL bugs, especially if they are bigger than an ant.  How about trying a vacuum cleaner with a hose on it... Then you gotta take it outside & empty it or it will just walk down the hose & be free again.

  6. Pray for God to give you strength, then go to the nearest store, buy a can of raid and spray that booger-bear.

  7. get a scorpion to kill it

  8. Its probably more scared of you than you are of it. Just think of it as a human . But its just a little smaller and has more legs.

  9. hire a hundred people to break its legs

  10. I'm always worried that if there is one bug, there might be more. That's why whenever I see a bug around even though I hate doing it, I kill it. I wouldn't want it having bug-babies or something...

  11. Sounds as it is either your basement or the bugs!  Set off a couple bug bombs downstairs!

    It will NOT go away, it loves the cool damp basements!

  12. get an exterminator. cause their might be more than one down there and i herd that the really big ones are poisonous. idk if its true though.

  13. We used to have that problem . . .before we moved. : P Before we moved (for other reasons) we considered an exterminator but if you just have one, the shoe method is best. Just realize that it is 1/1000 smaller than you or something like that. I usually let spiders outside because they get rid of insects and none are poisonous around where I live but any other insects, SHOE METHOD B4 they have BABIES!!

  14. let it outside. do the thing where you get a clear cup, and trap it underneath the cup, then slide an index card underneath the bottom of the cup along the ground, if you did it right, he will be sitting on the indexcard trapped under the cup, you never have to touch him! lol then carry him upstairs and let him go outside. :) im sure you have seen this done before.

  15. Leave a trail of sugar laced with rat poison.

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