
How the honey can be stopped to crystallized?

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How the honey can be stopped to crystallized?




  1. Warm it up. Then eat it. It does that when it gets old.

  2. Normally, honey 'candies' from being in the fridge. It will keep perfectly well for months in the cupboard without going off. Honey has a natural antibacterial quality which greatly retards spoilage, so it does not need to be kept refrigerated, in fact the aboriginals used to use bush honey from native hives as an antiseptic on open wounds to stop them from becoming infected, I have tried this myself and it works a treat.

  3. You can't stop it, but you can warm it and it will turn to liquid again. Try the microwave for a few seconds at a time.

  4. Warm it up in hot water in the container it is in or microwave just for a second as honey will burn you if it gets too hot in the microwave.

  5. briefly microwave it.

  6. *Use it within a few months and keep it room temp. If it does   crystallize, then just put  the  container in  hot water for a little while and it will turn  back into honey.*

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