
How the media presents things.....?

by  |  earlier

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I can't say I've made up my mind in this presidential race, but I've been noticing for some time the skew toward Obama in the press. Most recent example:

There was a ridiculous pole that was first reported on Yahoo as McCain having a lead amongst probable voters who own a pet. Now the title of the article has been re-worked to be:

"Obama Leads Among People Who Don't Have Pets"

This is so blatent to me. It's unnatural to present the pole in the negative (people who do not have pets) and yet it is done so it can read "Obama leads".

I noticed the same type of thing a couple of weeks ago when Michele Obama and Cindy McCain went through the absurd cookie ritual recipe and then again when Michele Obama was on the View - convoluted headlines so that it could be presented in the positive for Obama.

Anyone else feel this way? I'm not trying to start a political debate about the candidates so don't bother if you are going to tell me how great Obama or McCain is.




  1. Written press tends to lean liberal, whilst the television reports lean heavily conservative.  Reason?  Conservatives rely on their idiot box for their 'information', whilst liberals would perfer to read for it.  Neither set of information is any more helpful than the next, it more has to do with what "information" is going to sell their medium.

  2. Are  you's not just politics are persuaded or marketeted everyday and you don't know it...from what you you you dress....etc...the only way to stop this click whirr society is to question everything the way you think..etc...Don't mind tv they only want to sell papers and on candiate you think is best and shut the tv off.

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