
How the shitting h**l do i stop my million mosquito bites from itching and driving me dolally?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, whole holiday got 3 bites which is unheard of for me. Get to airport, delayed for hours and fall asleep with no nets, get home and i have about 17 bites that are all red and itchy and inflamed.

HELP owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww




  1. if you itch them, they will become more itchy, inflamed red etc.

    there are special liquid you can apply to them, they sting quite a bit but they stop all the itching and inflaming. once you use it a bit, the stinging is actually quite enjoyable (Im not a emo.. incase your wondering).

    if you really have to scratch them, rub them with your fingers not your nails as though your itching them but without nails.

  2. Try Tiger Balm.

  3. Lanacane or Itch-X both work very well.

  4. You could try putting ice on them to numb them.

    Or you could do what I do, cover them in a thin layer of toothpaste. When the toothpaste dries the itching goes.

  5. Got any Tea Tree Oil?  Magic potion.

  6. the more you itch the more it itches.

    When i have a bite, i apply rubbing alcohol to it. This helps

    dry out the bite.Whats happening is, you have white blood cells

    which are rushing to the area to fight the infection the mosquito left behind. When it itches its actually helping your body get rid of the forien bodys left there. When you scratch at it, your temporarily making the white blood cells leave the site. Then the process start all over again. If rubbing alchol doesnt work use some cortaide the help relive the bites.

  7. You must be one of those people, like me, who is nearly allergic to those nasty things.

    I spent several years in Central America.  So I think my advice is somewhat worthy.  Here are the things that can work:

    1. Benadryl Cream (diphenhydramine)

    2. Make a paste of baking soda and spread it on and let it dry to a crust

    3. Mix a little Bo-Peep (ammonia) with 3 times as much water so that it is still smelly and a little slick when rubbed between thumb and finger, and put that on the bites.  Warning: Do this carefully, and realize that ammonia is not a great thing for you in general.  Also, this stings.

    4. Although better known for chigger bites, try coating the bites with New Skin liquid bandage (or Elmer's Glue then press on a bit of toilet paper to stop it from smearing--not a great choice for the face!)

    Also, if bites really get to you, consider carrying Benadryl cream with you and treat immediately.

    And, notice that you may have the odd pleasure of feeling the itch from bites that don't exist!  I itch on the exact opposite side of my body as well as where the bite actually is.  Only solution there might be a psychologist!


  8. Go to the drug store and get some Calamine lotion. Benadryl also has a gel that stops itching.

  9. Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply to the bites and leave on.

  10. Eurax cream.

  11. chew bon nettles, it will take the pain away from the bites, thats what the romens did  

  12. NEOSPORIN IS THE WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( and don't scratch them........)  

  13. Aveeno Oatmeal Bath and a Benadryl. Both will help the itch.

  14. Ouuuch. For sunburns and really bad bug bites, I usually use aloe vera gel. You can get it at any grocery store.

    I've also heard of this product called kind of looks like a pen, and you dab it on your bites.

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