
How the united nation organization stop terrorist all over the world?

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How the united nation organization stop terrorist all over the world?




  1. It doesn't.

  2. I don't even think the UN recognizes these people as terrorist

  3. The U.N. is a joke.

  4. Since the UN is the most useless bunch of snakes--politicians--on the planet Earth, they do not stop anything from happing. All that they do is blather all day and night about idiocy that is useless to everyone, and non-germane to the average persons life.

    So how exactly is this fraud going to stop terrorists?

  5. If any nation sponsors terrorism, the UN will cut of their "Yahoo! Answers" for a week.

  6. The UN is too lame to stop anything. Its left up to the west as usual

  7. The United Nations is full of terrorists...they have no interest in stopping terrorism.

  8. By warning them and if they commit against of terrorism, they send them an angry letter.

  9. Terrorism has been on the agenda of the United Nations for decades. Thirteen international conventions have been elaborated within the framework of the United Nations system relating to specific terrorist activities. Member States through the General Assembly have been increasingly coordinating their counter-terrorism efforts and continuing their legal norm setting work. The Security Council has also been active in countering terrorism through resolutions and by establishing several subsidiary bodies. At the same time a number of programmes, offices and agencies of the United Nations system have been engaged in specific operational actions against terrorism further assisting Member States in their efforts. To consolidate and enhance these activities Member States opened a new phase in their counter-terrorism efforts by agreeing on a global strategy to counter terrorism . The strategy, adopted on 8 September 2006 and formally launched on 19 September 2006 marks the first time that countries around the world agree to a common strategic approach to fight terrorism. The strategy forms a basis for a concrete plan of action: to address the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism; to prevent and combat terrorism; to take measures to build state capacity to fight terrorism; to strengthen the role of the United Nations in combating terrorism; and to ensure the respect of human rights while countering terrorism. The strategy builds on the unique consensus achieved by world leaders at their 2005 September Summit to condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.*

  10. Are you crazy?

    I do not care how much coffee you drink, just cut it in half

  11. They don't  stop terrorist cells,  they don't  even reconize them as  a terrorist...

    UN some how  protect them, most if is cash flow  coming in.

    The only one have done something about  stop or  at least control  them is the USA.

  12. You are joking or serious ?

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