
How thick must be the best pizza crust be ?

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How thick must be the best pizza crust be ?




  1. Personally the best pizza is stuffed pizza. The crust is about a finger width.

  2. Not that thick at all. Pizza Hut has a fit 'n' delicious pizza with crust that's awesome, not thick but not extremely thin either. More bubbly than anything else.

  3. umm, i think it must  be lesser than an inch, abt 3/4 of n inch

  4. its size dose not matters but it must be hot and soft

  5. i think sicilian deep dish is pretty good

  6. Pizza Hut, Dominoes etc. etc are all American chains and their produce is far far away from the true pizza one can have in Italy, the home of Pizza.

    I have been to Italy and can tell you that the best Pizzas I have had in Venice and Milan all had medium crust, neither too thich not too thin. What is equally important along the thichness of the crust is the crispness of the crust which come from freshness of the dough & the way you cook the Pizza.

    In the end it is all upto individual palate !

  7. its thickness should be such that it can enter our mouth

    about 2 inches ..

  8. 1-2 centimeters or no more than 1 inch.

  9. I like thin crust that is a bit crispy, so I can taste the toppings and not just bread. ...

  10. What ? Are you trying to start a war here?

  11. superduper thick and really soft and warm,mmmmmmm

  12. wat kind of question is that

  13. 2 inch



  15. why don't u ask pizza hut

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