
How thin does plexiglass come and how to cut ?

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I was wondering how thin does plexiglass come, I know it goes to 4 inches and maybe more, I was wondering if it came in any thickness less than 1/8", and I know how to cut it using the score X8 and snap method, I was just wondering what main stream store would I be able to find the cutting tool for it in and what exactly is it called ?




  1. check your local home improvement store

    most stores like Menards have a variety of sizes from 2'x2' to 4'x8'

    thicknesses vary usually from a 1/16" to 1/4"

    I dont know how many different thicknesses they would carry

    you could try the score and snap method or carefully run it through a table saw with a correct say blade

  2. I've cut it with a coping saw. A fine toothed hacksaw should work well too. You can easily sand the edges smooth with a sanding block.

  3. saran wrap; how thin do you want it?

  4. Sorry I cant answer your question about the thickness, But I cut some plexiglass by sandwiching it between some scrap plywood and clamped it together and used the finest tooth jigsaw blade I could find.

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