
How thinks marijuana should be legalized in the USA?

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Should there be restrictions?i need inputs be honest people its not as bad as people say it is...its the people that abuse it that makes it look bad.......i use it for meditation...thats all.....why do some people abuse such a beatifull thing?????




  1. YES!

    I am an old activist! I have been for legalization for forty years! (Ever since it became illegal, as i can remember when it was not illegal)!

    There is a thing called the die-off! This fact occurred seven years ago! this coming election year will be eight years after the die-off1 those whom have oppressed the marijuana culture are gone!

    The legalization of marijuana/hemp is inevitable! It is so much inevitable, i predict it will occur in the year 2009!  

    Vote in the primary. Vote for RON PAUL republican or dennis kucenich  democrat! These are the pro legalization candidates, whom are running for party nomination! help them get their nomination, or they will not be there in 2008!

  2. Yes it should, but it won't. Look at all these people who already answered. They want to blame everything that went wrong in their, or their loved ones lives, on weed. It's like that scene at the end of Reefer Madness, when the judge took one look at the defendant and committed him to life in a mental institution. They blame pot for everything because it's convenient to do so. Even though there's not a shred of evidence  to prove that marijuana leads to anything but the munchies.

    That gateway drug stuff is c**p as well. It may be true that heron users smoked pot first, but so what. I'm sure they used alcohol first as well. Or coffee, or cigarettes, or milk, or maybe even wore underwear. A vast majority of pot smokers lead productive lives. They take a hit, complain that the government is s******g us, eat cookie dough, and get up the next morning and go to work. And why not? It makes them happy. This should be allowed in a free society. But so long as there are people out there who use weed as an excuse for everything wrong with their lives, we as a society, lack the responsibility to have legalize marijuana. Thanks allot.

    I'll leave you with one question. If you were walking down the street at night, which would you rather run into, a group of drunks, or a group of stoners?

  3. The same people that answer this question every day think Marijuana should be legalized.  If you feel this strongly about it, stop writing on Y/A and do something about it.  I agree that it should be legalized but I don't  care all that much because I do not smoke it.  I would vote for a candidate that favored individual liberty over one that wanted more personal regulation though.

    Edit for your additional comments:  The argument isn't about what is worse for you.  h**l, french fries are worse for you than many drugs.  It is about what we allow our government to tell us we can and cannot do.

  4. heck, it never killed anyone and cigarettes do, so why not.

  5. Personally I believe that marijuana is the least harsh of everything else out there.  As with everything, people tend to overdo and try to improve on something that nature has control of.  It isn't the marijuana itself that is causing the social problems that are claimed, it is the individuals who are trying to improve it with the dipping in embalming fluid, etc., good old mary jane from Jamaica, that is all that is needed.   As a woman of a certain age, very educated and with loads of experience in many areas, at the end of a long, hard day, give me a nice rolled one and I am at ease.   Oh, yes, legalization, but then we will get taxation, so either way, something will be needed to calm the nerves.  God Bless.

  6. What is bad is bad, even if you are using it for meditation.

    For real meditation you should be able to DO it without such assistance, then only you will fulfill you Goal.

    In America it a problem of Plenty, people get to much too soon and they slowly loose interest and hence want different things, Human brain is such a system it slowly gets trained to look for other avenues and then there is no end and MAN continues to follow the Mirage and the cycle goes on--- Contentetment only helps.

  7. I use it for nausea related to gastroparesis.  Indica is the only thing we can find to reduce the stomach convulsions, and I had the assistance of four different specialists in my search for a legal treatment.

    Even, however, if there were no medical value to marijuana it should be legalized.  What have the results of prohibition been?  Exactly the same as that of alcohol!

    Free people choose what they will do regardless of the protests of the self righteous.  All prohibition does is create an environment where otherwise law abiding people are criminalized, which therefore creates an attitude among those people of toleration towards other crime.

    Making the police an enemy of otherwise decent people is stupid.  It undermines the faith of those people in the entire system, and creates a huge alienation that expresses itself in a lack of trust in and apathy towards our entire democracy.  How large a factor in our current social disengagement has prohibition been?

    Prohibition has made me into a criminal.  I do not steal.  I do not drink, let alone drink and drive.  I work in an ER, helping the sick and injured, am faithful to my wife and pay my taxes when they are due, yet my society has declared war on me.  How just is that?

    One of my brothers is a police inspector.  He says that legalizing soft drugs and prostitution would cripple organized crime, and that the taxes we collected would pay for both addiction therapy and better police protection against crimes that have actual victims.  All I say is that in a quarter of a century working night shift in an ER, I feel that alcohol, tobacco and sugar are all more dangerous.

  8. ask my brother

    he now suffers from severe bi polar disorder , due to smoking pot

    another reason is , i dont know any heroin addict who stuck a needle straight into there arm , they all started on pot and progressed to heroin

    all the best


  9. Clearly you-judging by the spelling... lol

  10. I think you've smoked so much that you confuse the word "How" with the word "Who"

    But you're right, marijuana is not nearly as destructive as any other drug that I can think of. It's a case of guilt by association.

    Alcohol does more damage to society than all the other drugs combined.

  11. decriminalized at the very least

  12. wait in long term you will face psychosis (your brain records it all)  it is really stupid to do drugs .... you just risk your mental health .....Government knows it is bad . otherwise they would make money on it .....

    Do you really want your kids to be drug addicts ?

    you will need something stronger to meditate soon

    dont forget there is no treatment from drug addiction

  13. of course it should , however to many jobs would be lost and no more pay offs , so forget it

  14. I had to do a "pro-legalization" paper some years back and was surprised by how beneficial cannabis is.

    It has medical uses, fuel uses, fiber uses.... the list goes on.  It is a truly renewable resource that has so much "Green" potential.

    It wasn't made illegal because it was "bad" for us, but because it interfered with certain chemical companies and they lobbied for marijuana to become illegal.

    I'm not going to say it doesn't have it's cons, but at the same time, I know my uncles would have been a bit more comfortable during their chemo treatments if they had access to it.

  15. I think it should be legalized. I do not use marijuana but alot of people do need it for certain illnesses. I think it's alot safer than drinking alcohol.

  16. Yes, I think it should be legalized for medical usage.I am from the first state that did issue it for that purpose.Both my brothers had cancer and used it to prevent nausea due to chemotherapy. I saw it work.I also have friends in alot of pain that use.Also for really bad migraine headaches.

  17. I wouldn't smoke it if it saved my life. I'd die if I smoked it and to each his own, if the next person wants to get high, then let him.

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