
How this poem i wrote i spent more time and took a different step?

by  |  earlier

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For every rose petal that has fallen, smiles as my tears

For every tear that has cared for something, calls for whom to be near

For the thoughts that think of and misses each memory are the feelings that came from you; You can be all that ever mattered

You changed the feeling when love wasn't on my mind

You finished the book when you said only my heart was left to find

A Rose mean's that flowers can be the heart of a spoken word,

The Beauty From a Flower; love is my choice, roses from the hearens as beautiful as your voice.

A leading ladder to you follows my hands as i continue to climb; ''Continuous''

My hands seems to be getting tired, but my heart strives not to give in

As this -Continueous ladder- keeps me from Restoration, Reestablishment, getting back what was unlost, thinks my heart not to win

For one who was lonely at a time

will a rose petal fall for a lonely heart again.




  1. That is nice but you need to get out of the blues and gloom.

    These verses are borrowed from Dr. Singh's poem, to cheer you up,

    "Get out of the blues

    get out of the gloom! (1)

    Life is like a flower,

    gloom has no room! (2)

    Cheer up, smile and

    spring to dance! (3)

    Shake the pain, shake the blues,

    wake up and come out of trance! (4)

    Remainder verses tomorrow, good night and smile.

    All rights reserved by the author.

  2. I'm sorry, but I don't like it. I write poetry myself and I just don't think this is any good.

  3. no i love it.

  4. Pretty good. Almost as good as me. =D

  5. I like some of the imagery but I just dont get it-its seems like a very nice simple poem and then gets kind of complicated near the end

    I have a poem up and would appreciate feedback

  6. That is... absolutely beautiful.

  7. You have some nice lines...but none of them seem to go together. But maybe i just don't get it, ok I read it again and I still don't get it.

  8. The first two lines and the last two lines are the only ones that seem to go together.  

    You lost the format you started with and then got very complicated in the middle there.  Very hard to read at that point.

  9. That was so cute.

    I wish some one would write a poem and pretend it was about me ha.

  10. i think a rodent thats half dead from diabetes could've wrote something better (:

  11. awwww thats so sweet!!!!!! did you write it focusing on someone???

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