
How to 'break the news" to my boss?

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I'm 7 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. In the past my boss(a childless woman) has been horrible at handling this news. In Sept. I was pg with my 3rd but ending up losing it- when I told her I was preg. then she said "how are you going to handle 3 kids. . . I know you are probably happy but it really puts this office in a bad spot!" How can I tell her this time without having to put up with her c**p, but without creating "a scene"




  1. I would wait until the 1st tri-mester is over. Then I would say you are pregnant but quickly reassure her before she gets a word in, that you will do your best to make sure everything runs smoothly during your maternity leave.

  2. since she obviously can't handle the news regardless of when you break it to her, just don't tell her and let her figure it out once you're showing.  you might also point out that it is against the law to harass/intimidate/threaten someone at work about having kids.  

    also ask her if you should consider finding a new job once the baby is born - would THAT put the office in a good spot?

  3. question why do you have to tell her?

    make case to your couple,that's one of the reasons that they are there

  4. some women are just mean!

    gl with all the kiddos! :-)

  5. I would first wait a few more weeks so that you don't put yourself through the stress of this all just to find that some how you miscarried again... THINK OF YOURSELF FIRST!

    Then when you feel comfortable telling her.... Say to her "The husband (or just I if you're not married) and I are expecting our third child.  We are due in _______.  I understand that this puts the office in a bad spot though you could hire a temp to help out while I'm on leave... expanding my family is my utmost priority right now and  I hope you can understand..."

    Or something like that... Just basically acknowledge that you know its your third and that you know SHE thinks this leaves the office in a tough spot...but YOU know she has options if she really wants them... and that you're family is your priority!

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