
How to ASK the eye doctor for Colored Contacts?

by  |  earlier

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im 15 and i want Hazel contacts. im gonna go to costo eye center place and ask about it. what should i SAY/ASK? (non prescription would be fine, but prescription would be great cuz im near sighted)




  1. "May I see some samples of your colored contacts, please? I'm interested in purchasing some, and I'd like to make them prescripted due to my near-sightedness."

  2. i just got contacts recently too. and all i did was..once they gave me an exam, i asked if ii can get contacts. and they tell yu to come back in a couple days for a CLEAR set first to try it out to see if its ok with your eyes and then they ask you if yu want to finalize the prescription with color or just tell them you would like them in color.

  3. here is what happens, you go in and you HAVE to get a prescription no matter if you need corrective lenses or not. Then you can discuss the type of contacts that you want.

    So you need an eye exam first, then you can ask for any contacts you desire.

    You can say "i woudl really like hazel colored lenses"

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