
How to Avoid Gastric?

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I am having back in my lower abdomen along with burps. I really don't know as to what to do. Have shown the doctors they have advised me to do endoscopy, but i am scared and want to follow a home remedy to reduce this pain.




  1. Better you should go for Endoscopy... don't take this as an easy issue. when they rule out ulcers or any damage to lower oesophagus due to acid,then only you can have any home remedies/bland diet. But some ulcer is there and you delay treatment for ulcer...later you should b sorry for that.Go for Endoscopy....

  2. Trust me, it does not hurt.

    They sedate you and put a spray of some thing in your mouth that takes away your gag reflex.It is amazing.

    You won't feel a thing.

    Knowledge is power.

    Have all the power you can.

  3. U may try aloe vera juice

    Dosage: 30 ml. + 1 tsp of honey t.d.s.

    TOP 10 REASONS TO DRINK ALOE   Health and Hygiene

    Aloe Vera is extremely helpful for your mouth and gums.    It also assists in the soothing of minor burns, cuts, scrapes and skin irritations. in Healthy Digestion A healthy digestive tract ensures that nutrients from the foods we eat are absorbed into the blood stream.  Aloe Vera Juice has natural, detoxifying abilities.  Drinking Aloe Vera Juice made from the pure aloe gel regularly may improve bowel regularity and increase protein absorption, while at the same time reuse unfriendly bacteria and yeast – all done naturally!  Immune Support and Function Aloe Vera provides natural support for the immune system Regulates Weight and Energy Levels Aloe Vera Gel naturally, and with regular use, allows the body to cleanse the digestive system.   ensures a greater feeling of well-being, allowing energy levels to increase and helping to maintain a healthy body weight.  Collagen and Elastic Repair Aloe Vera can add a rich supply of building materials to produce and maintain healthy skin.  Daily Dose of Minerals Some of the minerals found in aloe vera include calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc.  What a powerful storehouse!  We all know that adding foods to our diets with naturally occurring vitamins and minerals is recommended for overall health.  Daily Dose of Vitamins Aloe Vera Gel includes Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin.   Anti-inflammatory Properties Aloe Vera Gel has 12 natural substances that have been shown to inhibit inflammation without side effects.  Aloe may also support proper joint and muscle mobility.    Body-Building Blocks Amino acids are our body’s building blocks.  Eight which are essential and cannot be made by the body are found within the aloe plant!  

       Best compliments from

  4. Avoid oily,junk food and tea

    eat lots of fruits and  salad

    Do exercise ragularly

  5. you leave some foods .spicy foods,hot foods,alchohal and smokking.u add in your food curd,vegetable(not pototo something)and fruits.

  6. Morning walk or running. You can do yoga also with guidance
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