
How to Be a Good Volunteer???

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Volunteering can be a rewarding activity as it provides a natural high to individuals as they give their time helping others. Although there are numerous types of volunteer opportunities available across the United States and in your area, there are very few programs that prepare an individual for their volunteer experience. This lack of preparation leads to inadequate volunteers that serve as a disappointment to those they are providing aid to.




  1. Step1Inform the organization you’re coming. Letting the agency or individual know that you will be assisting them is very important as it provides them with the opportunity to plan ahead. Many organizations have a number of projects they need assistance with, but each requires some setup and prep work before volunteers can do their part. By talking with the agency in advance and determining a time for you to volunteer, the agency can be ready for you when you arrive.

    Step2Follow through with your commitment. If you inform an agency that you will be volunteering for them it is important that you follow through with your commitment. Nonprofit organizations and agencies rely heavily on the support of volunteers, and they expect you to be available if you informed them you would be.

    Step3Show up on time. In order to be a good volunteer it is important that you show up on time to the organization or agency. Employees of a nonprofit are very busy people due to the fact they normally hold multiple roles within the organization. They plan their schedule according to the time you setup with them, thus your tardiness has the potential to affect their entire day. This is why showing up on time is important in being a good volunteer.

    Step4Bring any necessary information with you. When you contact the agency to setup a time to volunteer you should ask them if there is anything they need from you before you can be of assistance. Some organizations simply put you to work while others require an application or background check before you can volunteer with them. A good volunteer will provide information in advance or bring it with them when they come to volunteer.

    Step5Do what is asked. Many times the volunteer opportunities at nonprofit organizations aren’t glamorous, but each task does have some importance. For example, zoos often need volunteers. While you may want to feed and bathe animals, your task may actually be to clean out the animal habitats after the zoologists have removed them. This doesn’t provide you with the opportunity to do even interact with the animals, but it is a task that needs done. This is why it is essential that you do what the agency asks of you.

    Step6Have a good attitude. Nonprofit organizations love working with volunteers that have a positive attitude and are happy to serve in whatever capacity they can. You can have a good attitude by remembering the difference you are making by volunteering. In addition many nonprofits will utilize long-term, enthusiastic volunteers for more complex tasks and projects. Volunteering that starts out simply stuffing envelopes could lead to assisting with planning events or fundraisers for the organization.

    Step7Be honest with the organization if volunteering isn’t for you. Not every volunteer will have a great experience at an agency or organization. Many times volunteers have an unpleasant experience while volunteering but feel compelled to still serve. If this happens to you it is important that you are honest with the organization and notify them that it isn’t the right fit for you. Nonprofits know that not everyone can be a successful fit with their organization, and they would prefer you are honest about it instead of not showing up.

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