
How to Bond more with your Child?

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I have 13 month old bub, I work full time and I am a Single mum I have just handed in my notice at work as I am worried that my child is forming the mother daughter bond with my mother (her Nana). How to a recreate that bond that I once had with Pookie that she seems to have taken to my mother Help. No nasty responses please




  1. Make eye contact as often as possible. Get down on her level to play. Act silly. Give hugs. It will happen. Don't take it personally if it doesn't happen as quickly as you'd like. Don't try to spoil her to compete. You can do this. You sound like a caring mom. Keep it up.

  2. I think you will need to keep her away from the nana for a little bit. She may go through some withdrawls but will eventually turn to you for that comfort. Then put her in things like Mothers Day Out so she doesnt get so attached to you that she has seperation issues. Slowly and little by little let her spend small amounts of time with the nana.

    hopefully that should work. And try and do things that cause you both to interact. Like tickle time and chasing, and reading, and waking and pointing out things that you see, etc.

  3. The bond is a good thing, as babies and children need to bond with people who care for them.  Now that you will have more time with your baby, the bonding will be just as strong with you after some days of caring for your child.  I don't think it's necessary to not have grandma around too.  It would be an easier transition if the child had both of you there and grandma supported your caring and bonding while still having your child know that grandma hasn't just disappeared.

  4. The web is full of attachment parenting tips.  Some great sites iclude and  Also look for a local support group at

    13 months is not too late to develop the close relationship you want with your daughter.  Best of luck to you as you reconnect with your little one!

  5. Well, just try to spend as much time with your child and hope for the best. Try not to bore her and have lots of entertainment. It's good she has a bond with her grandmother, so you shouldn't try to end that bond. Not that you're trying to. 13 Months is young but it makes a difference if you spend time with a child when they're younger. Hope I helped.  

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