
How to Build a Basement in North Texas?

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I have been told that you cannot have a basement in North Texas because of the loomy soil, limestone (acting as a sponge) and shallow water table, so the moisture content would not allow it.

What green ways to build a basement in such a place?




  1. Well, dig and concrete and see what happens. there is no alternative. You probably will have to dig an area larger than the basement, provide drainage or a pump, and form your basement, pour, pull forms and seal with concrete sealer, then back fill with black dirt or something to that effect. I would bury 2 sump pumps. one to use, and the other to back up the first, so you could have some time to replace the broken one. I would also suggest sinking a hole in the ground below the house and sticking a pump in there.

  2. I would not! Take the money and build an out house for storage! The soil is prone to expansion and contraction, will crush the walls of the basement when it gets wet....and you will fight having water in basement from day one...installation of french drains really will not help that much...there is a reason no one builds basements in your area. !  

  3. The best way to build a basement is by reinforcing the foundation of the basement with extra concrete and steel  

  4. Firstly, check on the water table height where you want the cellar to be. In winter, dig a hole to the floor level of the cellar, or get a pile-hole digger to do it, and see if the soil at the bottom of the hole is wet, but not from direct rain.

    The cellar should be made of cast concrete slabs that are cast in position. On the outside it is possible and normal practice in many places to apply hot tar with tar paper and similar sealants so that water cannot peculate through the walls. The tared paper also needs protection with expanded polythene (white foam) sheets on the outside. This can be decided before you start work. You will need to access the whole of the outside walls in order to apply the tar etc.

    Consult an architect. The floor will need some protection too, which is similar but I am not exactly sure how this is done.

  5. I also live in North Texas. Who told you that? The countryside is covered with storm cellars. Years ago they had root cellars. I believe there is a way to Fiberglass the walls of your cellar, or basement. You would have to consult with a builder to see if it would be feasible, as well as cost effective. A whole lot would depend on your foundation, slab or pier and beam.

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