
How to Care for Slugs?

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I have so many slugs in the garden, I've decided to take several of them and keep them as pets. I have them in a small clear pet carrier. I put some soil on the bottom of it. I also put rocks, sticks, and leaves into the carrier for them to climb on. I misted the inside with a spray bottle. I also put some vegetables in there for them to eat, since they obviously liked to eat them out of my garden! I am trying to keep their enclosure very clean. What do you think? Am I doing everything right? Is it okay to keep pet slugs? Any other comments or advice is appreciated!




  1. Yes, it is okay to keep slugs - I have not heard of the Animal Cops checking up on people mistreating slugs, but there's always a first, I suppose.  

    I suspect your slugs will be very happy with the enclosure, clean or otherwise (although you may not if it's otherwise).

  2. Slugs love my orchid flowers. Whenever my daughter catches one i stick a couple odontaglossum flowers in there and they go to town.

  3. Comment:


    But sounds like you're doing fine.


    Have a nice night:)

  4. slugs don't need any care.  but if you want to seriously be rid of them, put out snail bait.  they love the stuff, which numbs them so they forget to get out of the sun and thus dehydrate to death.

    oh, sorry, you want to know if it's OK to treat them nicely.  yes, it's OK.  you might try feeding them corn meal and then sauteeing them in a bit of butter, as one does with snails.  let us know if they're edible.

  5. Pretty much, keep things damp but not soaked, fresh green stuff to eat, don't let anything get moldy, keep the enclosure out of the sun and that's it. Oh yeah, keep them off copper / other metals, other than that you're pretty much covered.

  6. why would you do that? I mean, good for you to try to save the slugs, but maybe that's a little too far. If you want to get rid of them ,put salt on them. I think it kills them, though.

  7. Very funny. When I was little, I would put salt on them and watch them shrivel.
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