
How to Connect all these Components to TV???

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Hi I have the following equipment and want to know the best way of connecting it all.

Sony 52" XBR4 it has 3 HDMI Inputs

Sony Blu Ray has the following: HDMI and coax

Dish Network HD DVR Box: HDMI & coax

Onkyo 7.1 HTSR800 Home theatre system: HDMI Inputs 2 and HDMI output 1

What is the best way for me to connect all of these to get the best picture sound available.





  1. Right off the bat it seems that a possible option would be to connect the Blu-Ray player and DishNetwork box, via HDMI, to your Onkyo, then use your Onkyo HDMI output to connect to the TV.  With that configuration, you'll need to changes sources (channels) via the Onkyo rather then the TV however, which would stay on one source.  Though that may not be the most convenient/favorable setup for some.

    If you'd prefer not to always have to go through your Onkyo.. especially if you don't always have it on.. the you may wish to connect the Blu-Ray and DishNetwork to the TV directly, via HDMI.  Your options then would depend on what audio output options either your TV or your DishNetwork and Blu-Ray player has.  If your TV has an SPDIF/TOSLINK audio ouput.. you can then connect this to your Onkyo and only need to worry about changing av sources on your TV.

    ---- Addendum ----

    I looked it up and your TV certainly does have Digital Audio outputs. So... going HDMI from your Blu-Ray & DishNetwork Box to your TV... then going Digital Audio Out to your Onkyo... may be the most convenient setup.. and being an all digital  setup it should pretty much ensure the audio/video quality is kept at max.

    ALTHOUGH,  if you ever concievably would wanted to do two things at once... say listen to a DishNetwork channel on your surround sound system.. while watching (and listening) to a BlueRay movie on your TV.... or vice versa if you wanted to listen to something on your Blu-Ray player but also watch TV or something zany like that.. then what you'd want to do is connect both to the TV via HDMI... but then use seperate digital audo out on the DishNetwork Box and Blu-Ray player to connect to the Onkyo.

    The audio and video quality in any of the setups I mentioned should be exactly the same.. since your using digital connections.... the difference is the convenience and functionality for you.  Oh.. and btw.. nice TV ;)

    ----- Addendum 2 -----

    Although.. on second thought... I don't think TOSLINK fully supports bitstreaming of certain high quality Blu-Ray audio formats. Plus I don't know how well the passthrough works on your TV. Although certain higher formats converted to PCM will probably give comparable sound quality.  However, if your Blu-Ray player has a second HDMI out.. use that instead of TOSLINK to connect to your Onkyo. Otherwise to ensure 100% optimal audio quality, connect both systems to the Onkyo then the Onkyo to the TV (via HDMI).

  2. Connect your blu ray player to one of the HDMI inputs on your Onkyo receiver.  Connect your Dish Network box to the other input on your Onkyo.  Connect the Onkyo receiver HDMI output to one of the inputs on your TV.

    I assume if you have nice equipment like you've listed that you have surround speakers?  Even though HDMI cables carry sound and video, you don't want the sound coming out of your TV.  The HDMI cables going from your source equipment into your receiver should carry sound.  That sound can then be sent to your speakers.  At that point, you need the HDMI from your Onkyo to carry video to your TV.  This is ideal because now you simply switch sources (DVD or Dish) on your Onkyo and it will switch the sound and video for you automatically.

    If you want to listen to the speakers on your TV, it will be set up the exact same way.  But I have to recommend taking advantage of your 7.1 receiver with 7.1 speakers!

  3. HDMI cables

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