
How to Copyright/ Patent a business idea?

by  |  earlier

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I have a business idea, it is all typed up in the proper business plan format and I am ready to propose the idea to some investors. However, I would like to protect my idea so that they cannot go off and start it on their own. If its just the business plan would I patent or copyright??? What is the difference?? How would I go about getting the patent/copyright??




  1. You can copyright the business plan in that it is intellectual property. However if your plan requires specific technology that you have developed then you will need a patent(s). can handle all sorts of legal documents for very reasonable costs, I know a lot of people who were pleased with how easy it was. Its not completely clear what all you need to do since I clearly can't read your plan, but talking with them would be a great idea. Good luck!

  2. I don't think you'll be able to patent a business plan. But if you have a unique new way of doing business, you might be able to get a business method patent.

    Check out

    It explains what can be copyrighted and what can be patented.

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