
How to Deal with Jealousy?

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I'm always getting jealous of my friends. I look at them and just think of how pretty, nice, smart, etc. they are, and it makes me angry. They all are just so nice and people love them and I envy that. I love my friends to death, but I just can't deal with the jealousy. Help? Thanks in advance.




  1. Well, u must have some good qualities that they lack, try to figure them out and be proud of yourself. And yes, u can also try to be like them, but I dont think u should lose your originality. jealousy is a normal thing, but it will ultimately harm u only.  

  2. Well, you can ask this advice at

    People on the website, should be able to help you out.

    I go on it all the time!

  3. Well stop trippin' & realize that "birds of a feather, flock together" if they are all those nice things & they are friends with you then u must be as well. Realize that & try not to think of what they have & concentrate on your own good qualities.

  4. That is definitely something I struggle with to, but just remember that you have some qualities that they don't have. Most of the time even if you don't think they do they are probably jealous of something you have. Try to count your blessings instead of envying others.

  5. degrees and euducation kill jealousy

  6. Try to stop comparing yourself. Whenever you find that you are starting to compare yourself try to think about something else. Or, try to join some clubs or a dance class or whatever your good at  so you will feel better about yourself and you can try to accomplish something that they haven't. But just don't say that to their faces. You seem like a good friend though saying those nice things about them!



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