
How to Dial a United States (1-800) number from Spain?

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I have tried everything except direct dialling this number from my cellphone. I went to the webcafes and the same thing happens, an operator comes on and says its not free so hang up now, or stay on and accept the charges. I stay on, but I am always disconnected. I bought a phone card, "Euro Hours" by "Lebara" but it will not connect at all. How can I call this 1-800 number in the United States from Spain?




  1. OK ether u call the server or try 001 and then the dial Ur number

  2. It is not posssible to dial a 1-800 outside of the United States.. 1-800 numbers are free for use ONLY in the USA,

    they do not work outside the country. Sorry. Check and see if there is an alternative normal number, evidently you will have to pay the cost if you find it., from Europe dial the US numbers with a 1 in front (country prefix). in Spain you'd dial 00 -1- and your US number.

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