
How to Dream about my Dad who died...?

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My Dad passed last year and I still haven't had a dream about him. We were so close and it kills me not to be able to connect with him. I've tried thinking about it, not thinking about it, wishing for it, relaxing before bed, etc...I wish so much I would have a dream about him...

Any ideas? It would mean so much to me.




  1. OK, first off its possible you have already dreamt of your dad, but more to the fact that you don't remember the dream. Sometimes this is because realising the dream you had once you return to your waking state could have a more negative effect on you than you would think. Its actually a difficult part of dream to explain, but more that your guardian angel doesn't feel you are strong enough yet to deal with this type of dream as it will increase your realization he is no longer with you and may also bring back memories you had forgotten. Without TRYING to have these dreams they WILL eventually come to you naturally. could try something called "SPIRITUAL DREAMING". This may require you to try a few times. Some people master it first time and others don't. There is certainly no harm in trying it. I have copied and pasted my document from my files for you. Here is how to do it below.

    This information is for anyone who is interested in contacting Angels or Spirits in the safety of their sleep. When we sleep our conscious mind sleeps with us but our unconscious mind awakens. Everyone has some form of psychic ability within their unconscious mind, its merely learning to accept, focus and understand it to awaken it when we are conscious. Our dreams often have messages for us relating to waking problems we have from situations in our lives, problems and even hidden feelings you may not realize you have. It is also true that you can contact spirits while you sleep, including those close to you who you have lost. It becomes easier to contact lost friends or family members if their passing has been between one and five years ago. Please note that you may not achieve this first time. It depends on each person’s ability to really focus their mind, relax and make contact. My answer to this is don’t be disheartened if you don’t succeed straight way. It takes practice and patience as well as determination.


    Wear light comfortable clothing. Have a note book and pen beside your bed. It’s optional but you can have a small white tea light candle or white pillar candle. Candles are good to use when trying to contact spirits. Only use white candles for this purpose.

    *IF USING A CANDLE* light it about 20mintues before you plan on going to sleep. Sit before the candle and concentrate on the flame. Clear your mind of any thoughts about the day you have had or about what may come tomorrow. Think only of the person (spirit) you wish to make contact with.

    *IF NOT USING A CANDLE* Follow the above mentioned with your eyes closed.

    Do this for about 20 minutes or for aslong as you feel comfortable and relaxed. Don not exceed 20 minutes.


    Blow out your candle and get into bed. Make yourself comfortable, you need to be relaxed and warm but not too hot or feeling cold / chilly. Take several deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Then turn out your light and repeat this exercise.


    Close your eyes. Feel your body relaxing. Try and keep your thoughts ONLY on your intended direction.


    Ask out loud (don’t shout though) for the person you wish to make contact with to come to you while you sleep. For example saying,

    “Peter Smith, my father, please come to thee this night”. OR “Guardian Angel come to thee this night”.


    Keep focused in your mind the spirit you’re summoning. See in your mind a small white light coming towards you and slowly getting bigger. See the light slowing changing into a figure of a person… need to keep focus on this till you fall asleep.


    If you have been successful, while you sleep you will find the spirit you have called for. Please remember though that sometimes a spirit may not want to come to you. Its not because they no longer love you they have their own reasons for this. This is usually because they only wish to look over you as you move on with your life. If they feel that by them making this type of connection with you will hold you back in your daily life they will not come.  


    When you awake, make a note straight away on the note pad any images you have seen or voices with messages you heard. It’s important to do this as soon as you wake, otherwise you will forget what you have experienced. Make it the first thing you do on waking while still feeling sleepy.

    This stage of waking is when your unconious is awake WITH your conscious. It takes only a few second (or minutes) for the unconscious to fall silent again. So this is the best time to recall dreams and messages.

    Blessed Be to you in your Dreaming Experience

    By Mystic Magic

  2. My dad passed last year as well and i have had a few strange dreams.What i think you could do is think about him alot in a day,i mean really dig into the pics and everything...I bet you dream about him a few nights later.

  3. While you're patiently waiting, it might do some good to read Helen Greaves' "Testimony of Light," M. Scott Peck, M.D., "In Heaven as on Earth," Ann Ree Colton's "Men in White Apparel," C. S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce," and Mark Prophet's "The Masters and Their Retreats."

    They do give insight as to how things work and progress in Heaven.

    For your part,

    and "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi, may help.

    It is often the case that your "higher" or "more spiritual" dreams would occur beyond your waking ability to remember them, and this might be the level at which your dad is able and allowed to communicate.

    By praying to God, in God's will, for your dad's continuing spiritual progress, you do assist in his progress.  Be assured that he appreciates such.

  4. i know how yu feel.

    my mom passed 3 years ago,, and ive had a couple of dreams about her(ive even had a dream that she came back to life...litterally)

    but maybe yur not able to handle it,, even if yu think yu are ready for it,, but you'll have one eventually. just be PATIENT.

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