
How to Dual-Boot Off Two HDD's?

by  |  earlier

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i have just ordered a 500GB HDD along with Vista.i plan on using my new HDD with my old 320GB HDD with XP on it.How would i go about this, considering they are both SATA HDD.I forget if theres a way to set both HDD's as slaves in the BIOS (and i am too lazy right now to restart my computer to find out this).but how would i go about with the dual-booting process?

do i...

1.install new HDD

2.Install Vista on new HDD.

3.Restart computer,and it should give me the option to choose what drive to boot from right?

if not plz give me some instructions on how to do this..also any websites that could help would be great to.




  1. Go to your Bios settings and on the boot menu, select drive order ,the drive u wanna boot from should be on top

    or else u can use these program  

  2. on some BIOS in the boot sequence it has the option of "ask me everytime" or somthing simallar to that if your BIOS doesnt have that option then you will have to put both of your OS's on the same HD and just Raid the 2 together

  3. You got it, your good.... and you change it from Primary to Domestic... but you shouldnt have to worry about that.

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