
How to Dunk at 5'10"?

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Alright, i'm 5'10" and i want to dunk. I can dunk on 9 foot and now i need to figure out some workouts. I have a slight 6 pack, do i need more core work? I run about a mile every other day. I can lift moderatly good weights. Uhhhhh what's next? I really want to be able to. I mean its gonna be winter so by summer would be sweet. Thanks




  1. Well you can quit running the mile. Running that far trains endurance and not max power. What do you mean by "moderately good weights?" Can you do a good full squat with your bodyweight? How about 1.5 times your bodyweight? Strength is the first step. Other training won't be effective if you aren't strong first. Read all the info here

  2. well basically you started on a good path,continue to run so you can be a little more fit;it's not how long you run but at what paste.second, try to get more core exercises that work on your calves ( that's the basic muscle that makes you jump).and finally try to get a pair of jump soles (they should increase your vertical in about 3 to 4 months if you really stick to practice dvd or book that comes with it.if all of that is done, you should be a dunker by next summer.good luck...

  3. put on those leg weights stuff or whatever there called and jump up and down highest u can for bout 15-20 min it worked for me i could touch the nba height rim at 5"6 and im 5"11 or 5"10 now and i can dunk

  4. You need more explosive power in your jump.  Try putting more weight on your legs when you jump. Either by ankle weights or a weighted vest.  Your best bet would be the weighted vest cause they can weigh up to

    70 lbs  so that would really help your jumping if you wore the vest while jumping or running. Then once you took it off, you should be able to SLAM IT DOWN!! ..It worked for me.  WEIGHTED VEST..TRY IT!!

    If you can't afford one, then ankle weights would be your other best option.   Or it you want to go the cheap route.  get a Life Jacket and take out the foam and fill it with cement and let it it would be the same as a life jacket...just heavier.....but a weighted vest + Exercises should help you jump extremely higher.

  5. Don't use ankle weights!!! They kill knees you really don't need anything

  6. If you really want to improve your jumping ability, first you need to figure out what type of Jumper you are, a power jumper or a leaper, as using optimal biomechanics is just as important as having explosive muscle power. Next you need to figure out what type of power or strength you are lacking, base strength, transitional power, or explosiveness, they are all different and must be trained in different ways.  I know a lot of you are wondering what's the difference between the three. Well in short Base Strength is how much weight you can move, Transitional Power is how fast you can move said weight and explosiveness is the maximum speed and distance you can move said weight with each single movement.  A good Vert training routine will include the following exercises:  

    Base Strength

    1: Traditional Squats and Pistol Squats

    2: Deadlifts/base building olympic lifts

    3: Lunges

    4: Core Work (abs & lower back having a six pack or 8 pack has nothing to do with core strength when it comes to performance. Core strength is your ability to lock your pelvis and spin, so they function as a single unit)

    5: Stretching  

    Transitional Power:

    1: Box Squats/Tempo Squats

    2: Power Cleans

    3: Push Press  

    4: Core Work

    5: Stretching


    1: Ballistic and jump squats

    2: Traditional and Compound/Hybrid Plyometrics

    3: Sprinting  

    4: Core Work

    5: Stretching

    You'll also want to figure out which individual muscles/muscle groups are working inefficiently You can figure this out by completing a full vertical jump test progression and a baseline fitness test to diagnose any muscle imbalances that you may have. Remember no matter what type of training program you do you must make sure that opposing muscles are strengthened and balanced (e.g. Quads and hamstrings, abs and lower back) so don't skip the quad extensions and hamstring curls. This part maybe the most important as weak links and imbalances will lead to poor/slow results and raise the risk of injury significantly. Do a routine that combines plyomertic/bodyweight, free weight and or acceleration routines. Make sure you are consuming lots of protein and replenish your bodies ATP and glycogen stores as these fuel those type II muscle fibers you will be taxing.  In order to gain inches you'll need to tax your central nervous system and force your body to create new motor pathways. If you train correctly you should gain at least an inch a week.  If you would like more in-depth information on vertical jump and sports training visit my website at:

    Train hard

  7. you need to focus on your legs (lower legs specifically)  
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